How focusing on your YOUniverse can change your life

The universe is your mind.

It’s your YOUniverse.

Thales believed that “the universe is alive and full of spirits.”

That makes me a little goosebumpy.

Aristotle said “some say a soul is mingled in the whole universe”, which is perhaps why Thales thought that everything is full of spirits.

Everything is energy.

When you go out into the YOUniverse with a question, a focus, you can’t help but get messages back.

This is because your frequency and focus attract your attention and the answer you seek.

In our life we experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting you to what is possible.

Your task is to free yourself from this prison by widening your perspective to embrace nature, people and the universe as you.

When you do, you allow more of the YOUniverse to speak to you.

It isn’t about thinking. As Alber Einstien said, “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.”

It is in space, you find the answer. It is the emptying of the mind that the solution arises.

The Power Walkshop allows this space and time for you to be in the YOUniverse and know your purpose. 

Register here if you are interested in attending the Sydney June 1 – 5 2023 Power Walkshop.

Or register your interest here in a future Camino Power Walkshop in Spain.

In the meantime, check this video on our last Power Walkshop

Until the next perfect time,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

Tanya’s journey to create the Walkshop

One day, I was sitting at my desk contemplating a new program I wanted to run. Looking out of my window, I was allowing space and time in my mind to ponder.

It is sometimes tricky when you have a lot of responsibilities, people asking things from you to have thinking space.

This moment was one of those rare times I could just be. Be open to what might drop in.

All of a sudden, there was a rush of energy that flew through me.

I felt compelled to write.

It was as if the program was unveiled to me, and my hands started typing, mapping out the program in ever finer detail.

As I stepped back and re-read what I had written, I knew that this was a unique opportunity for people to uncover their life’s purpose.

And that is how the program for the Power Walkshop was written.

I know that if I hadn’t created the space for my creative ideas, I wouldn’t have allowed any new ideas to come through.

Do you feel the same way? A little too jam packed and not enough thinking space?

Time off is just as important as time on.

It allows you to reconnect with yourself, re-charge your energy levels, it reinvigorates the possibility of what is ahead.

I know for me when I spend too long running on the treadmill, doing business, building my career, taking care of the people closest to me, that I end up forgetting about myself and why I was doing all this work (do you feel me?)

And that cost me ALOT to bring myself back into the centre and become clear about what I truly wanted.

You want to give yourself permission to take time off. To disconnect from the world, from all the noise and distractions and hear your own voice.

Because making money without a true purpose is meaningless.

AND money can be made in the future when you are re-energised and ready to give to the world in a way that is aligned with what is most important.

So if you were to take a moment right now, just 10 seconds, and ask yourself what is your purpose in life?

Do you know what it is? And more importantly, does it light you up in a way that you can’t wait to work on it every day?

If not, I would encourage you to consider the Power Walkshop as it is a way to get out of your head, get into your body and heart, to feel the power and connection to the world around you.

And to have your purpose revealed to you.

Yes. It is revealed to you.

No more scratching your head and trying to figure out this cosmic mystery. It will be in your face obvious that you will know it in every cell of your being.

I hope to see you on this soulful journey.

With love and light,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Struggling to know who to work with

Let’s talk business.

I had a client this week focused on what their niche was in business and struggled to make a decision.

So let’s deep dive down the rabbit hole of specialising.

Specialising makes you unique and essentially stand out like a familiar face among a crowd of strangers in the marketplace.

There are so many options, how do you make such a big decision?

Choosing a niche might be similar to having a favourite meal out. There are so many options, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack or even dessert. But we all know which category our favourite meal falls under.

And choosing might boil down to a few options. But in the end, if it was our last meal on earth, we know which one we would choose (apple crumble for me!).

If only it would be that simple?

As you grow and change, so will your niche. Because you’re growing with knowledge and wisdom to share, you’re refining what you know and getting clearer on your specialty.

You’re also evolving as an individual too. So what you are interested in, who you love to serve, what you are challenged by will change too.

It’s not the choice you make that is important.

It’s making a choice that is important.

We forget that inaction costs.

So what prevents you from really knowing what your specialty is?

If we dig deeper, which is what we love doing at Maximum Growth Classes, there are a few problems under the problem.

  1. Imposter syndrome is real.

    One client described the decision to niche that no matter what decision they make, they perceived to be an imposter. Their voice shakes as they speak. Their head spins with thoughts of who they think they should be.

    It is common for people at the beginning of any business journey or speciality to not know enough. And that imposter syndrome is an opportunity for you to reconcile the need to know more and love not knowing everything.

  2. My decision will be judged.

    When working with one client in the Business Membership, they shared that they were compared to a simbling. There was a lot of competition that was created between the two of them.

    So when someone brings up something perceived negative about them, it hits me hard. They described it as like a punch in the chest. So they are avoiding making a decision to avoid being judged.

  3. What if I make the “wrong” choice?

    This is a big one. The decision seems final. Who are you going to serve forever and ever and ever. Amen.

    But let me say again

    It’s not the choice you make that is important.

    It’s making a choice that is important.

    We forget that inaction costs. 

    There is no wrong or right, just a decision you feel certain about.

    Follow your intuition, and allow that to be your guide, not your head, not your market, or your social media posts.

    ​​​​​​​Your intuition can only be heard when you are being yourself, and in moments of quiet.

So what do you do then to define your speciality?

First, like Bridget shared in our Business class this week who shared a quote from Tony Robbin’s, “Find yourself in the service of others”

Just love serving. See that as your broader specialty.

And allow the niche to reveal itself as you serve.

And once you know your niche, and you have some traction in your business, come and join Maximum Growth Business Membership. It is all the mindset tools you need to accelerate your growth personally and professionally.

In service of you,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

You want to stop doing this today…(take a peek…)

Yes you, stop being a people pleaser.

We all have had moments in our lives when we want to be liked by others.

It makes us feel all the good feelings (thanks brain), plus we feel connected to people and can create a sense of importance.

But is it really worth it?

I think the answer is a clear no.

In fact, I believe that it’s actually detrimental to our well-being to try too hard to please others.

Studies have shown that people who are constantly trying to please others tend to be unhappy and stressed out.

They also have a harder time saying no, which can lead to them being taken advantage of.

How do you know you are a people pleaser?

Here are the tell-tale signs:

  • Low self worth. People pleasers draw their self-worth from the approval of others.
  • You need (yes need) others to like you.
  • You agree, even if you don’t agree.
  • You describe yourself as a giver (or have extremely high empathy).

Now, let’s look at this action of pleasing with a new lens.

If we dig to find the problem under the problem, you might find that people-pleasing is difficult in conflict management and being able to say “no” among other reasons.

Saying “no” or turning down a request for help might make them think less of you and that is a challenge. Therefore, agreeing to do what they want might seem like an easier option, even if you don’t want to.

This pattern can cause problems because people’s needs come before your needs. And the boundaries are blurred.

Unless you become comfortable with pissing people off, then you will continue to people-please and, by default, you minimise yourself.

Instead of trying to please everyone, it’s important to find out what you want.

Ask yourself: “how does doing what I want serve others?”

That way, you have your needs met and you can see how others’ needs are met indirectly.

If you want to break the pattern of people-pleasing, recognising the behavior is the first step.

Your awareness around the ways you tend to people-please will begin on your journey of putting yourself first.

Then knowing your boundaries and taking action on them is important to uphold what is important to you.

The Demartini Method helps to fully balance out the fine line between pleasing a particular person and pleasing yourself. It gives you the equilibrium and insight to make the right decisions and to be 100% comfortable in your decision.

Maximum Growth Transformation Day is 6 hours, facilitated by me to break through the noise and get to the guts of the problem.  

Then you are free to focus on servicing your community.

And always remember, you first, then the world.

Much love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

What are your emotions revealing to you?

Sometimes emotions can get the better of you, engulf your being until you feel you are spiralling out of control.
It snowballs, one experience triggers a cascade of sensations that can feel, let’s face it, mighty uncomfortable.
What is important to remember is that emotions are a kind of arousal that emerges from our experience.
Feelings are not fixed, they are fluid.
Essentially, it’s how we relate to the experience that gives rise to the emotions.
One of the questions I love asking as a coach is “What is the problem behind the problem?”
It’s an opportunity to dig into the deeper layer of the issue and solve the cause, not the effect.
Let’s look at the problem under the problem with emotions.
Emotions colour the way we see the world. We interpret the actions of others and we feel a certain way.
Our feelings create emotions, and emotions create feelings.
But what’s behind emotions?
We are going to cover 5 different emotions with physical expression, the definition of the emotion, what is happening in the mind, and if you go extreme, that is, let your ungoverned self rule, what may happen.
Let’s get into it.
Expression: Eyes looking towards, can’t keep your eyes off the object or individual.
Define: An emotional state leading to feelings of attraction towards self or others.
Mind: Seeing the perceived positive side and being blind to the negative.
Ungoverned Self: Something happens that awakens you to its downside.
Expression: Glare, eyebrows drawn together, tight lips, increased heart rate and blood rushing to the extremities.
Define: An emotional state leading to feelings of hostility and frustration towards self or others.
Mind: Expectations placed upon self or others to do something YOU wanted them to do but THEY did not do/want to do.
Ungoverned Self: Escalating with increased anger, occupying more time and space in your mind.
Expression: Wrinkled nose, gagging, no eye contact.
Define: A strong emotion that results in feeling repulsion and wanting to move away from the individual.
Mind: Associated with perceiving many drawbacks, you are blinded to the upside of the behaviour.
Ungoverned Self: Continuing to stack up the perceived negatives of the behaviour, potentially creating more experiences of similar behaviour, or you doing the same behaviour you have judged.
Expression: Smile, laughter.
Define: A pleasant emotional state that elicits feelings of joy, contentment and satisfaction.
Mind: Associated with perceiving many benefits, you are blinded to the downside of life.
Ungoverned Self: God forbid you were to be ungoverned with happiness! Most people wouldn’t even consider looking at themselves during this state of mind. However, it can lead to sadness, a downward spiral, unforeseen humbling if left ungoverned.
Expression: Frown, loss of focus in eyes, tears.
Define: An emotional state characterized by feelings of disappointment, grief or hopelessness.
Mind: Expectations that haven’t matched reality.
Ungoverned: Downward spiral into depression.
Emotions are human beings’ barometer of what is really going inside your mind according to the experience. Emotions are your most reliable indicators of how well you are coping with challenges and changes in life.
The idea that your emotional arousal, whether positive, negative or neutral, emerges from our interaction with experiences, rather than being contained in the experiences themselves, opens a space for you to make some skillful choices about how you might regulate your emotional condition so that you don’t snowball your emotions to the experience that it stops you in your tracks.
This means you will be able to make wiser, more thoughtful decisions.
So, what can you do today to help yourself?
Three things come to mind;
  1. Deliberately bringing your attention to specific sensations and experiences and naming the feelings will help to change the experience. This way, you connect your head with your body, enabling you to be more present in the moment, present in what you are experiencing. (most people don’t even know how they are feeling).
  2. Feel the emotion. Yes, feel it with all your feelings. Remember, feelings are fluid.
  3. Then work on your perceptions that are creating the feelings and sensations in your body.
If you want to solve the problem under the problem that’s creating emotions within you, then come to our Maximum Growth Transformational Day.
You have the opportunity to invest a day in dissolving a dynamic, transcending your feelings to be able to make wiser, more thoughtful decisions.
Come and join the community of like-minded individuals who are applying transformational mindset work to grow themselves, know themselves and create a meaningful life.
Remember to live up to the light that is within you.
With love and wisdom,
Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Three actions for success

Would you like to know the secret sauce to success?

Oh you want me to whisper it into your ear {first_name}!

If we could create a secret formula of success, bottle it, add a fancy label, we would probably get rich off it.

If only it were that simple. But the truth is, you ain’t here, reading this newsletter if that was your mojo.

You don’t mind getting a little dirty, rolling up your sleeves and getting to work.

So, as you get your butt on the growth train, and catapult yourself to higher levels of success, here are just 3 traits that will get you there faster.

1. Prioritise. Prioritise. Prioritise.

Just had to say it a few times so it sinks in.

Focusing on the most important things when you need to, and doing the work when you don’t feel like it.

Let’s face it, you know this but many don’t do it. And the reason is because it is a skill like riding a bike, planning your quarterly strategy or the art of selling.

Prioritising requires time to practice and to master.

Consider making it a daily task to practice prioritising, ask what is the most important task to do today, set an estimated time and repeat. This means throughout your day reviewing if you are doing the most important task now or not.

Priorising will keep you on track.

2. Resilience

This is where, no matter the circumstances, when you fall over, you get back up again.

Business can be tough, you get knocked around and down. You might feel some days the world is against you, or rejected because you can’t seem to pick up business.

Setbacks happen. People will say no. Heck, they may even bitch and moan about what you don’t do for them to anyone who will listen.

It’s not just resistance, but residence with a growth mindset is the secret. If you see how any challenge is helping you on your path to growth, you’re resilient with a purpose.

Resilience is key to being able to navigate through the challenges with grace.

3. Accountability

You work for yourself, so the benefit of working for yourself is no one tells you what to do.

Yet…… the downside of working for yourself is no one tells you what to do.

*Big sigh*

You have to make sure you hold yourself accountable to the goals you want, and do the action steps necessary to achieve your goals.

It can be so easy to do feel good tasks. But, these tasks are not necessarily the tasks that will achieve a result.

Do these three actions and you’ll notice a difference in your inner world which will influence your business in the best way.


Now…. Let’s face it, our inner world is what can prevent us from being successful. That inner critic that rears its ugly head and tells us that we can’t, who I am to do that internal dialogue that stops us in our tracks.

In the ever evolving and changing landscape of success, you will have moments of doubt, uncertainty. This is part of everyone’s journey.

In my time as a coach, I have not yet met a woman who didn’t have “voices” in her head that is disruptive or critical, and this internal narrative leads to them perceiving themselves in a negative light.

The inner critic is never completely silenced. It can’t be, as it is a part of ourselves that acts as an internal homeostatic mechanism when we are prideful.

If you can never silence it, then embrace it as feedback. Next time you get distracted or disillusioned with yourself, look at what the inner critic is trying to show you? What is it trying to tell you? What is underneath the content.

Here are some examples;

“Who am I to share my content with the world?”

Deeper question: Where is the pride in what you know? And what don’t you know (to humble yourself).

“What if you make a mistake?”

Deeper question: Where do you think you have to know more? And what’s the downside of knowing more?

The little voices will subside and success can reign.

With love and wisdom,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

A little gift to fire up your finances

It was the end of the financial year this week.

It’s an opportunity for you to do a review of your income and expenses, see where you’re at with your net worth and how you’re tracking your financial goals. #Financialfreedomplease

Ok, I know you’ll either be doing a boggie on your chair with me to celebrate your achievements this year or you’re thinking “S*#t” this year, I promise.

I’m a geek and have been tracking my finances since 2010.

It wasn’t easy, and it was very uncomfortable. I had very little income and I had some debt. I knew I had to face reality and stop avoiding a difficult conversation with myself.

Taking a deep breath.

I opened a spreadsheet and wrote what I owed. Money on my credit card, a bill to a company and to a family member.

Now, time to calculate my assets. Hmmm?! Zero. Nothing.

That part was easy.

The following year, I did the same exercise with a little lightness and spring in my step.

I’d worked on my money mindset throughout the year, I was beginning to understand how to serve and grow a business, so within 12 months I was beginning to see big changes.

Fast track to June 2022 and my tracking has become more sophisticated. I track leads, conversion rate, customer lifetime values, income, expenses and net worth.

Tracking gives a perspective on your business that is real. Sometimes you feel you’re off track, but the figures don’t lie. They tell the real story.

It’s the fastest way to look at yourself and make changes, either inwardly (like coming to Maximum Growth Business class) or outwardly, by learning about finances and financial markets.

So, it’s been a fun process for me to track my finances. I want to share some of that juicy inspiration with you too.

Here it is. Your own financial tracking spreadsheet.

You can download my financial spreadsheet and call it your own.

It’s basic. It’s unbranded. It’s yours.

Give it to me baby.

Take the time to really see where you are at financially.

I’d love to know how you go?!

And… if any uncomfortable feeling comes up around doing the work, or afterwards, come to our 6 hour Maximum Growth Transformation Day.

It’s an opportunity for you to work through the Demartini method to dissolve your emotional baggage to increase your self-worth and your ability to hold onto and keep your mula.

To more riches within,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

For you, my overthinker

You’d be surprised how many people associate crying with weakness. And they think that if they completely dissolve a dynamic to where the only words left in their heart are, “Thank you, I love you” then they’ll cry and they’ll be perceived as weak.

(Usually that’s a belief learned early on in childhood – between 3-7 years old.)

If that’s you, I have a message just for you:

You can have a genuine, inspiring breakthrough without tears.

Because let’s remember the 6 signs of a true breakthrough: Certainty and presence in the mind, gratitude and love of the heart, enthusiasm and inspiration in the body.

Everything else is an illusion.

The key is how you feel.

Now, you might be different. Maybe you’re not charged about crying.

Maybe you get too ‘in your head’ because you’re familiar with the current level of challenge. And even though you want to change, there’s a level of comfort in familiarity.

Your charge becomes like a comfortable PJ’s you love getting into, and you aren’t ready nor wanting yet to dissolve it (better the devil you know kind of thinking).

So perhaps your fear of graduating to a new – and more importantly, unknown – challenge is greater than your fear of staying ‘stuck in the rut of the same cycle of thinking’. ​​​​​​​Or maybe (last example, promise) the last time you became too emotional, your world fell apart or you perceived you received too much criticism. So you subconsciously think, “I won’t go there again”.

Do you get where I’m going with this? Like the great oracle of Delphi said, “know thyself.”

Are you afraid of anything that might happen by breaking through?

If yes, work through that first (ie remove the roadblocks in the way of clearing your issue) and come back to your initial issue.

If not, let’s move to:


Much shorter for this one. You overthink things because your mind comes up with all sorts of reasons or imagined outcomes why you shouldn’t get to a state of gratitude and love.

e.g. somewhere in your mind, you’ve associated loving your soon-to-be-ex (with whom you’ve had a rough relationship) with the outcome that you’ll fall back into a relationship with them after breaking through. i.e. you still have a charge somewhere that the ‘old’ dynamic is more bad than good, more pain than pleasure or more challenge than support.

So, that imagined outcome of a renewed relationship is an illusion.

Because remember – you still have a choice after you’ve dissolved your charge. The difference is that you choose your actions from a balanced, grateful place. Not a lopsided one that will send you straight back into a similar dynamic (so you have another chance to love it.)

Just knowing that whatever you think MIGHT happen is no indication of what WILL happen.

Funnily enough, the only way to really ‘control’ the outcome is to dissolve the emotion around the outcome.

So, let this be a quick guide for you, my overthinker. Your head can be the key to your heart if you let it. Just take a little tweak in perspective.

Remember: thinking AND feeling. It’s both, not either/or.

Oh, and Thank you. For being here, for striving to live a more meaningful life every day. I love you with all my head, all my heart and all my soul.


Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

PS – Sharing this loving kick up the derriere I read in an email today: Just because we understand how to dissolve our issues, doesn’t mean we don’t have to put in the work. How’s that for tough love? Let’s keep on.

PPS – If you’d love guidance in dissolving your stuff, weekly help with me is right here.

I found a cause I want to dedicate my life to

“You’re not a facilitator, you’re a gardener, you plant seeds and watch things germinate.”

That’s what I tell the coaches I work with who are challenged with the shifts you see with clients.

This isn’t a philosophy I read from somewhere, I know this to be true because people have planted seeds for me.

In 2015 when I completed my master certification in the Demartini method, at the Demartini Method Training program in Houston, I had a session swap with Amit, a savant and super aware facilitator (AKA a gifted gardener).

I can’t not remember what we worked on, just that a mighty oak tree planted that day. I knew something shifted because I reflected on that session for years to come and questioned myself “when will it be time to create my own signature program?

One of the stand out thoughts was feelings are a part of humanity. Sounds like nothing, but it has been a huge shift in me, to feel all the feelings, and share the message in the work that it is ok to feel too. Feeling is the very thing that makes us human, it helps us connect, celebrate, and live a rich life.

You can’t hide from feelings. Repressing them ain’t good for the body, numbing them ain’t good for life. Instead, it’s an empty, meaningless life.

I’ve definitely had a journey over the past 7 years to acknowledge and feel all the feelings. Then doing the work required to level up.

Another gold nugget of wisdom from the session was a statement Amit made as we wrapped up the session was “Tanya when are you going to create your own thing.”

It has been an idea percolating in the back of my mind for all these years.

I love the Demartini Method. It’s become a part of my thinking and a lens I view my world from that I’ll continue to share the work worldwide for a long time to come. Nothing will change there.

And, I have been dream in of my own thing for a while. When the idea popped into my head for the Power Walkshop a few years ago, it felt like something unique and different.

When it came to finally setting a date and making plans, I sat down to write the program.

I can only describe it as a flood of enthusiasm that ran through me and within a few hours the program was created.

It was as if I was guided to write the words down (do you get me or is this too woo woo weird for you?…. I own my weirdness 😂)”

You experience the Power Walkshop in the way it was written. The lessons, the people around you, the universe, the path guide you to your life purpose.

You don’t have to sit there contemplating what it is, because it is in your face, over and over again.

This program is unique because it combines the mind and body, the material and spiritual worlds, the head and the heart, attention and intention together in a practical (yet based on theory) to help your purpose unfold over the 5 days.

Plus, we sprinkle presence, certainty, lots of love and gratitude, into the days that you’ll have a new and profound way of living.

It’s not about a work purpose (although that may reveal itself), it’s about a life purpose.

I’ve found my signature program that I want to share with you.

If you’re keen to experience a soulful transformation, then come join us for the Power Walkshop in November 2022. Click here to find out more.


With love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

One Powerful Word

Let’s have a hard conversation.

About “no.”

Yes? 😂

When you hear the word ‘no’ in sales, you’re meant not to take it as a hard ‘no’ but more a ‘no for now.’

Some people believe that it takes 7 ‘no’s’ from someone until they say yes.

Let’s spin it around to you being the one saying ‘no’.

Your initial response is no. Your second response is still no. Third, yep, it’s a no. Keep going and eventually you cave and say yes.

Was it your decision to say yes? Did you just subordinate to this individual’s wants and needs and disown your own? Or did you really want to say yes?

If people in your life learn they can push and receive the answer they want, of course they’re going to push.

Then you end up living under other peoples expectations of you which isn’t very inspiring.

No is a very empowering word. You create a sense of authority in your life by stand up or even against for something you want.

Sometimes you must say no more than once; while this may feel uncomfortable, it is really important to create strength and autonomy.

When you gently but firmly maintain your no, over time you’ll be living your truth.

What do you want to hold your ground to say ‘no’ to {first_name}? I’d love to hear from you.

With gratitude,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

Nothing Is Missing, What Are You Searching For?