In your wildest dreams

Dreams really do come true.


Of course, if you tell yourself they don’t, they won’t. 


So I’m kind of a Grinch. 


The whole consumer thing just feels so pointless to me. 


I don’t need presents. Unless they come in the form of life-changing education… or a plane ticket. 


And even then, I love to invest in those myself. 


Yes, I’m aware there’s a deep cosmogonic, mythical meaning to the holidays (no matter what religion, race or belief you are.) 


But honouring that doesn’t take decorations, a honey-glazed ham or glossy red ribbons. 


Or does it? Where do you fall on the spectrum? Would you feel some of the ‘magic’ disappear without the festive trimmings? Or is it enough to have the people you love around you and be grateful for the time you get with them?


It’s so hard to sell this idea of getting rich slowly. 


Especially when you’re competing with money-grab products that promise to “10x your income in 10 minutes a day.” (fibbers)

What does work for making dreams come true?


Here are the top three tips:

  1. Be specific, so you get exactly what you want, and not the universe playing funny jokes on you. 
  2. Consistency is key. No matter what it is, do the small steps that help make the big leaps.
  3. Revisit your dreams often. You can set and forget, but I find revisiting gives the dreams more energy and life. 
  4. And lastly, give yourself permission to dream. I have seen clients manifest multi million dollar deals, the relationship they pictured in their mind to exactly how their partner looks and behaves (talk about manifesting!), the ability to travel and earn at the same time. 


So, what is in your wildest dreams? And how can I help you to manifest them?


Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

P.S. – had a shower of power (which is totally a thing that I have been raving on about for years) the other day and the gem “Consistency is Key” floated into my head. Powerful little message. Steal it and pop it on your wall if you want. Worth affirming whenever you’re in a tight spot or facing a fork in the road.

P.P.S. If there happens to be something on your mind you’d love to work through before we walk into 2023, then come to the New Years’ Transformation classes.



Fear This

In this week’s class, death was a consistent topic that showed up. 


I couldn’t help but wonder, knowing there is a facilitator – client dynamic at play, how I feel about my own death. 


In the past, this is something I thought about too much. This time, I thought about it differently through the lens of what I want post-death, in decades to centuries’ time.


Death is challenging for some to dare to question this. We can be seen as weird, even people like Spinoza was excommunicated from questioning this very topic. 


Why do we fear death?   


It is a question I don’t believe people will not stop asking, unless we unlock immortality, which will be unlikely. 


The ancient Epicureans believed fearing death was a mistake, that you should fear only those things that can harm you, and if you are dead then nothing can harm you. 


When you are dead, you’re dead. 


What stood out in the class we had this week was the members talked about living a shell of a life. And how he feared not living, more than dying. 


I remember a client who was terminal said to be when we met for a juice in Chaple St in Melbourne.


“Tanya, this is my life, I only have so many days left. I want to spend it with people I choose. I want to do the things I want to do, like go to Hawaii and hike a mountain. It’s my life. And I do not want to spend it with people that only want to see me so they feel better about themselves.”


Her voice still echoes in my mind as if she was sitting in front of me.  


We only have a finite number of conversations and connections left in our life. 


For me, I want to invest my life in creating heart-opening goosebumps moments that then ripple through time. Maximum Growth Classes allow me to do this.


When people in a centuries’ time watch a Hot Seat or a clip from class, my intention is they will feel the transcendent moment and it heals their minds and hearts in that moment. #eternaltransformations


How about you ? Do you fear death? Fear not living? Or are you living a life worth living?


With love and deep transformations, 



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work


Trigger warning

Last week in our private Maximum Growth Facebook group, one of our members shared a revealing post about childhood sexual trauma. 


“There is so much beautiful unwrapping to do, thank you Tanya for creating this space.” 


The post and it’s attached article brought me to tears. 


Not the inspiring tears, but the deep pain tears. You know the ones?


The article described a young 6 year old who was dressed as a super hero. 


She was trying to protect herself from being sexual abused while in the care of a family friend. 


It shows my own unresolved pain, which is a beautiful gift this member gave to me. 


As a mother of a young daughter at the same age this young girl’s experience began, I reflect on their experience and my daughter’s future. 


What humbled me most was the clients I’ve worked with who have similar stories and have felt Maximum Growth or private sessions as a safe space to share and to work on their pain and perceptions. 


In class, people have revealed things about themselves they haven’t revealed to their closest friends. 


We recently even held a space for one of our members to cry. 

She went into her childhood pattern of shutting down and running away when an experience became too much. 


So everyone in the room stayed with her, and encouraged her to continue leaning into what felt uncomfortable for the healing to occur. And it did. 


It is an honour to be a part of the community when our intention is to heal and in this moment, healing was fully feeling. #heartopen


Class is a space where the practitioner-client relationship is valued. It becomes the third dynamic when working with someone. 


I believe this space is an important and influential dynamic in healing. 


It’s the external intangible force that helps with the process. 


Here’s how we do this at Maximum Growth;

  1. We believe consistency is key, we will show up every week, week in and week out throughout the year for you so you can have the certainty we are there for you. 
  2. We believe in not pretending things are ok, if they really aren’t. (Because then we can do something about them.)
  3. We believe in maintaining the connection in the relationship to create progress by knowing that you won’t be yelled at or pushed, but instead sincerely cared for to help you with your transformation.

So, if there happens to be something on your mind you’d love to work through before we walk into 2023, then consider coming to the Maximum Growth New Years’ Transformation classes.

So, if there happens to be something on your mind you’d love to work through before we walk into 2023, then consider coming to the Maximum Growth New Year’s Transformation class. Check out the details here. 

See you on the inside, 



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available




I’m So Angry Right now

As I was driving to meet a friend, a BMW driver in front of me tossed something out the sunroof at 70km per hour onto the road. 


“The road isn’t a rubbish bin” ran through my mind. My instant reaction was anger. 


Fast forward to the walk around the bay, my friend shared a moment where she was driving and had a lot of road rage inside her. She became irrational towards a stranger who cut her off (I hear ya sista). 


As we explored her experience, her anger was triggered waaaay before she was in the car.


Anger grows from irrational thoughts, and leads to a difficult-to-break cycle of growing frustration. You want the cycle to stop, but you don’t know how. 


Let’s understand anger. 


Cycle of anger 

    1. Trigger point: An unresolved button is pushed. 
    2. Negative thoughts: Irrational thoughts occur.
    3. Emotional response: negative  thoughts turn into negative emotions. 
    4. Physical symptoms:  autonomic response of increase heart rate, clenched fists and jaw.
    5. Behavioural response: your reaction based on your thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms. 

The behaviour response of fighting, yelling, and anger is a response to the anger. 


How to break this cycle

It can be hard for you to control your anger because you haven’t yet learned how to deal with the emotions you feel inside. 


Even deeper, we often focus on the outcome, the feeling of anger but not the trigger of what started you to feel this way in the first place. 


Or, let’s throw this in the mix, the repression of emotions that are not being dealt with that bubble up unconsciously inside.


Anger is a natural emotion.


Ain’t getting rid of this boiling sensation any time soon.  


Yes, anger is isolating. 


For example, teenagers who have trouble managing their anger often have fewer friends, behave in more negative ways, and receive lower grades in school. 


This is often because teens who have difficulty with anger are often unhappy and feel isolated, even if they get a lot of attention for angry behaviours.


You are not here to control your temper. Control breeds out of control.  


Yes, you want to take responsibility for your actions. You actually have the power to decide how you will behave in certain situations ahead of time if you find a way to “keep a cool head”.


But we all know in highly triggered situations, that’s impossible.


If you think about the consequences of your behaviour. Realize that how you behave affects not only you but also those you love and others around you.


However, this is allowing society to govern you. 


One helpful tip is to pay attention to how your body feels and notice when you are angry. 


Sometimes people are first aware of experiencing anger through their bodies rather than their thoughts or feelings. 


When you notice your body beginning to react, it’s time to identify what triggered the feeling before reacting.


You’ll find the problem under the problem. 


Then, of course, apply the Demartini Method on your misperceptions.


NON Members

If you want to come and clear your year of any of your triggers in 2022, come join us for the Maximum Growth New Years’ Transformation Workshop here


NON Members

If you want to come and clear your year of any of your triggers in 2022, come join us for the Maximum Growth New Years’ Transformation Classes here


With love and light,`


Leadership Coach & Master Certified DeMartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available










solid plan for world domination

I know Halloween was last month, but holy crap. The future can be a scary place to visit.


With so much uncertainty over the past few years, it’s been challenging to plan, as you didn’t know what the world would look like or how the new world would impact your own little real estate on this floating blue planet.


Now that the travel bans have been lifted, we have stopped wearing masks, and the streets are filled with people, we are finding some level of new normal. 


The unknown for people is scary. 


What do we do in the face of the unknown? 


Well, some of us bury our fear in a pint of Haagen Daz cookies and cream. (Which I’ve never done, of course. Everrrrrrrr. Lol.) 

But afterwards, we smash through a growth ceiling. 


In that spirit, I wrote some technical musings on dealing with uncertainty, and this email feels like the perfect time to share them with you. So please, be my guest:


—Start of Musings—


The world is uncertain, a lot of changes have happened and will continue to until the day you die (a bit morbid, but bear with me), and you don’t know what is going to happen around the corner. 


Business is shifting gears, the worldwide financial markets have dropped significantly, more than it did in the 2008 financial crisis, and the future is unknown. 


These are a few uncertainties top of mind for people today.  


This rapid change leaves many people with heightened emotional responses, even the smallest challenges send them into a tailspin.  


As Warren Buffett says “If you can’t manage your emotions, you can’t manage your money.” 


This same principle applies when you read the media and you can’t manage your emotions when you read an article or scroll through social media, you can’t manage your life or business. 


Your role is to find certainty in an uncertain world, no matter what the outer world is saying or doing. 


True self-leadership is being able to stay centered in the eye of the storm, no matter how disordered things appear to be. 


Instead of being caught up in the masses, step into being a master. 


If you want to do something different, you have to change what you are thinking first.  


How you become objective minded and shift your perceptions is by asking yourself some quality questions. 


Ask, “Where is the certainty in my future?” if you feel uncertain in your future. Find where the opposite is true in your life now. 


When you open your eyes and mind you finally appreciate the perfection right in front of you. This is self mastery. 


Not everyone will understand this level of thinking. To be great is to be misunderstood.  


What do you choose? Follow or lead? Submission or Mastery?


And not just today. Because just like in a relationship, the power of one choice made long ago can fade. This is a choice we make every day. To recommit.


—End of Musings. Task to follow—


Now, if you’re open to creating a divine design that transcends the outside world, and plan it out in 2023, then come and join the Maximum Growth New Years Workshop. Its an epic 24 hours of classes over 2 months to Clear Your Year and Set Your Year and not be wavered by the outside world. Click for details here.



Now, if you’re open to creating a divine design that transcends the outside world, and plan it out in 2023, then come and join the Maximum Growth New Years Workshop. Its an epic 24 hours of classes over 2 months to Clear Your Year and Set Your Year and not be wavered by the outside world. Then make sure you turn up to class in December & January (FYI – this program is included in your membership and replaces!). 


Happy belated Halloween/end of the world/glimmer of hope.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available








Do You Do This?

Taking some time to sit, open your mind, and allow thoughts to wander in might be more productive than you’d expect.

People don’t realize how profitable, productive and powerful it is to sit and think.

According to research, people underestimate how much they would like to spend time alone with their thoughts with nothing to distract them.

Research suggests that individuals have difficulty appreciating how engaging thinking can be.


That could explain why people prefer keeping themselves busy with devices and other distractions, rather than taking a moment to reflect.


We live in an age where “doing” is more important than “being.”


Unfortunately, we live in a world with information and action overload. We have to move forward, doing something, even if it is a distraction. It’s easy to ‘kill time.’


When you wake up, you can check your phone rather than immerse yourself in your internal free-floating thinking.




This way of thinking will be boring, a waste of time, and will not produce anything.

Free thinking is an opportunity to engage yourself without reacting, distractions or without input from the outside world.

Our actions tend to be motivated by the fact that we find more benefits than drawbacks. And we must find more benefits in action.


So let me give you a stack of benefits to sitting, contemplating, and being.

  1. Connection to your body
    • To contemplate physical actions, sensations, and feelings – what are they telling you?
    • To be conscious of your legs, arms, hands, and feet and create awareness of the vehicle you are in. And have gratitude for the miles it has carried your soul.
    • To acknowledge your breath and focus on the here and now, not focused on the past or present.
  1. Connection to your feelings
    • To allow both physical and mental feelings to surface without attachment to how you should or shouldn’t be feeling.
    • To contemplate your feelings as they arise, what are they trying to reveal to you?
    • To acknowledge your feelings (it’s ok to feel by the way – you are human).
  1. Connection to your mind
    • To empty the mind, and take away distractions to see what you are thinking and feeling.
    • To contemplate the thoughts that arise (we watch them, but we are not in them).
    • To allow the free flow of thoughts and see where the river of the mind and thinking take you.
  1. Connection to your world around you
    • To contemplate where are you in life
    • To create space for awareness of what you would love and reflect is your life in alignment with this or not?
    • To allow time to reconnect with yourself so you can go out into the world as the fullest you.


It is in the space in between that allows a whole state of mind. You attend, intend, and allow thoughts and ideas to flow.


The idea of sitting and contemplating can be twofold.

  1. To empty the mind
  2. To observe the mind
    1. To empty the mind

Consider our minds to be water and our thoughts to be multi-coloured. Water is colourless, odourless, and shapeless. When we add colour to the water, the water is no longer clear, but swirls with the colour of the dye. The more colours, the water turns black. And the mind becomes endarkened with thoughts.

(When we apply the DeMartini Method, we dissolve thoughts and get to your true state of being. The closer we are to our soul, the clearer the messages).

    1. To observe the mind

Sometimes we go into “fix it mode,” where something arises in our mind and we go to resolve it. If we take time to contemplate and allow the wandering of the mind, we can allow deeper thoughts to arise.

It is not attaching to your thoughts or trying to direct them, but allows you to see what comes up. Imagine it like seeing the clouds go by and you are on the soft grass watching them. Observing the shapes and seeing them change and pass.

So for me, I am investing a weekend next weekend with a client, who is now a close friend, in emptying the mind, so that I can master plan my life without distraction and the influence of others’ decisions. 


So, are you up for some quiet contemplation?



Leadership Coach & Master Certified DeMartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available









What are you struggling with?

I ask this every week in class. And I ask you this in a public setting.

“What are you struggling with?”

When you share your struggles, you begin the healing process.

Others don’t perceive you in a negative light.

In fact, it is the opposite; they think how brave you are.

Flashback 6 months ago to our Maximum Growth Members Only Viewing hot seat. We covered a touchy subject of a client receiving gentile herpes from their spouse. Many people commented on her bravery to share such a private issue, publicly.

She didn’t look bad publicly.

In fact, sharing her struggle helped so many more people.

Her story helped me to reach out to a public figure who suffered from herpes, and I was able to share some of the insights from the session. She then signed up for 3 months of coaching on the back of that conversation.

If you foster an experience of trust, openness, and vulnerability with your community, they will share more with you.

I hear from clients that they want real.

So I want to know your struggles.

I want to know what you are hiding that you don’t want the world to know (if it’s imposter syndrome, check out this post from last week).

And if there was a way I could help you, either anonymously in the Ask Me Anything Class or publicly, feel free to fill out the survey here.

I’m not interested in making you look good or bad. It would be impossible to build a business doing this as it goes against universal principles.

What I can do is serve you at speed. I can help you to solve your own problems.

And I can only serve you to the degree you share.

In October we are closing the doors, so if you or anyone you know would like to join Maximum Growth, or you’d love to return to the community and classes again, click on the link to find out more.

With love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Ever felt like an imposter

How many times do you hear “fake it until you make it.” ?

And you take the advice and pretend to be better than you are. Then people buy into it and inside you struggle. You wonder if you will be caught on how much you don’t know.

This is the fastest way to imposter syndrome.

How would you ever feel like you are yourself, and that it is ok to make mistakes in your business if you think you have to be the best – and perfect. Or you have to constantly prove yourself to people. It would be exhausting.

Imposter Syndrome is the talk of the town. And many people in business can connect with it.

In our Maximum Growth classes, we are big on finding the problem under the problem. Imposter Syndrome is the label, but what is going on in your psyche to create this way of being?

Here are the top three problems.

  1. You are expecting to be an expert at the beginning of your career. Imagine you expected to be a black belt and you were still on your white. Impossible to live up to.
  2. You have high standards of yourself, even boarding on perfectionism, which means you struggle to make mistakes.
  3. You suffer from comparisonitis and play small to others, which dampens your brightness.

Imposter Syndrome is feedback for you.

It is telling you to let go of trying to be impressive and perfect.

People love being real, they love mistakes and it shows you are human.

If you set incredibly high standards, then you’ll never live up to them and continue the cycle of not feeling enough.

People are always going to be more experienced than you, more beautiful or handsome, have more money, more business. That is life. But it doesn’t have to mean you are not worthy of having all of that too. You just have to work for it.

So hold off on beating yourself down when looking in the mirror and live by this motto – face it until you ace it.

And if you would love help to live your truth, and build a business around what you’d love to share with the world, then join Maximum Growth Membership before our doors close at the end of October. Find out more here.

With warm fuzzy hugs,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Can I share something meaningful with you?

My heart felt like someone had ripped it out of my chest.

I’ve got a spring in my step today.

We have another Maximum Growth Transformation Day. This day is so inspiring.


Let me share with you.

I was standing in my lounge room when the phone rang. It is Friday, 8:50am, on the 6th of February, 2009. I anticipated it would be Eddie, my boyfriend, who was on his way to pick me up.

Disappointment hit. It wasn’t Eddie, it was his brother’s wife Kerrie.

“Tanya. Are you sitting down?” I felt a chill run down my spine.

You know what they are about to say. You know the next sentence.

My heart felt like someone had ripped it out of my chest. I could hardly breathe. Grief does crazy things to you. It felt like my mind went mushy. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t feel. I fell into a dark hole.

It was one of my darkest times, a time with absolutely no hope. I didn’t see the point of life if the man I loved was gone.

Eddie and I would go on lots of adventures together, exploring parts of Australia and the world. That fateful morning, we had our hearts set on eating organic donuts in Byron Bay. They sound so healthy, you can eat lots of them, right?! 😉

Over the coming weeks, I was surrounded by my amazing family who, before then, had been separated, both physically and emotionally. My younger sister and I became close and she asked me to come to Sydney for the weekend.

As I was preparing to leave for my flight, I connected with her flat mate, Nancy.

I told her my story.

She looked me dead in the eye and said “ Tanya come to the Breakthrough Experience in Sydney in a few weeks. I know it can help.”

You know when someone makes a statement with so much certainty, you have to go.

I found myself two weeks later in Sydney attending The Breakthrough Experience, presented by Dr. John Demartini.

On the Sunday, John asked the group if anyone in the room had experienced death recently?

I was sitting at the side of the room, and I am handed the microphone.

I have tears rolling down my face , my hand shakes as I hold the microphone, I try to get my words out. “Three months ago my boyfriend was killed suddenly.”

The room votes, and I am chosen to go up on stage with Dr Demartini to do a process in front of the audience.

He asks me 4 questions, nothing more, nothing less. Just four questions.

And in 1.20mins I no longer felt grief, sadness or loss for Eddie. All I felt was an immense amount of love, appreciation and a deep sense of gratitude for him.

If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be walking this path I am today, I would still be a recluse, hiding away, not wanting to be in the world.

In 1.20 minutes, my world changed. I felt lighter, my head was clear. From all I knew about grief counselling as a counsellor, it was going to be a two to five year dark road ahead.

And this man showed me a different way.

I knew from that moment onwards I had found my purpose. If I was going to master something, anything, it would be this methodology.

If I dedicated my life to this, I could truly transform myself and the world, I could set people feel of limitations, beliefs and challenges which holds them back from shining their light onto the world.

So I know, from the bottom of my heart, that Eddie’s death wasn’t in vain. His death gave me my purpose, but most of all, his death gave me my life.

For that I am truly grateful.

This is why I do what I do.

Tell me, why do you do what you do?

I would love to hear your story.

Just in case you want to join the Maximum Growth Transformation Day, check out the link here for more details.

If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

With hugs and heart.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Master These 3 Skills To Grow Your Business

Imagine running your own business like playing the piano. You have to master many different keys at the same time. 

However, you can’t hit all the keys at once, it would sound horrendous.

But if you want to master your business, these three skills will help you play a beautiful tune.

  1. Challenge Yourself To Take Risks
    To level up in your business, you must continue to challenge yourself.Challenges keep you thinking, strategising and growing.With challenge, comes risk. We tend to be risk-averse but as a business owner making decisions about which risks to take and what to avoid is a skill.

    Successful entrepreneurs take risks. You have to in order to grow.

    Every risk comes with a downside and opportunities. You take a risk when you believe the benefits far outweigh the potential downsides.

    Learn how to identify which risks are worth taking, which ones you want to avoid to become a more masterful business owner.

  2. Learn To Public Speak 

    When you think of the most important skills for a business owner, public speaking probably isn’t the first thing you think of, but it is vital.It’s not a skill immediately necessary for someone starting a business. However, as you master this skill, you have the ability to share your message with more people, which can directly impact the growth of your business.Public speaking skills can help you not only speak in public, but speak in Facebook communities, to potential clients and even to your team.

    The reason this skill is most avoided is because it is intimidating. We want to avoid being judged or feeling humiliated. In our Maximum Growth Business Class, we worked on the fear of public speaking this past week.

    Public speaking is also a learned skill. I did my time at Toastmasters International®, an organization dedicated solely to helping members improve their skills through workshops and mock presentations called Table Topics® sessions each week at local clubs worldwide. Or check out this article from the Science of People for speaking skills to master.

    In our Business Membership, our class was focused on “Getting a paid speaking gig.” The group included a new coach, an author, an actor, a singer. All who were able to remove the growth ceiling to go to the next level.

    If you’re keen to jump into class before our doors close in October and won’t reopen until April, then check out the

    Business Membership here and we will no longer offer monthly billing. Get in quick.

  3. Finances 

    One of the most important skills for any business owner is accounting.It is the most important and sometimes the least looked at part of the business.As a business owner, you want to understand the profit and loss statements and taxes so you can make informed decisions about where to spend money.

    No point spending all your money and having scrapes left to pay yourself wage.

    You don’t have to know the accounts at an accountant level, that is why you hire accountants. You have to know enough to make informed decisions.

At the end of the day, you want to know you are singing your own tune in business.

Focus on what you do best, and grow these three skills and you’ll increase your income and impact on your business. 

Until the next perfect time,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. We have our Maximum Growth Transformation Day which is a day to apply the Demartini Method with other like-minded individuals to have your heart opened. Check out the link here for more details.

P.S.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

Nothing Is Missing, What Are You Searching For?