solid plan for world domination

I know Halloween was last month, but holy crap. The future can be a scary place to visit.


With so much uncertainty over the past few years, it’s been challenging to plan, as you didn’t know what the world would look like or how the new world would impact your own little real estate on this floating blue planet.


Now that the travel bans have been lifted, we have stopped wearing masks, and the streets are filled with people, we are finding some level of new normal. 


The unknown for people is scary. 


What do we do in the face of the unknown? 


Well, some of us bury our fear in a pint of Haagen Daz cookies and cream. (Which I’ve never done, of course. Everrrrrrrr. Lol.) 

But afterwards, we smash through a growth ceiling. 


In that spirit, I wrote some technical musings on dealing with uncertainty, and this email feels like the perfect time to share them with you. So please, be my guest:


—Start of Musings—


The world is uncertain, a lot of changes have happened and will continue to until the day you die (a bit morbid, but bear with me), and you don’t know what is going to happen around the corner. 


Business is shifting gears, the worldwide financial markets have dropped significantly, more than it did in the 2008 financial crisis, and the future is unknown. 


These are a few uncertainties top of mind for people today.  


This rapid change leaves many people with heightened emotional responses, even the smallest challenges send them into a tailspin.  


As Warren Buffett says “If you can’t manage your emotions, you can’t manage your money.” 


This same principle applies when you read the media and you can’t manage your emotions when you read an article or scroll through social media, you can’t manage your life or business. 


Your role is to find certainty in an uncertain world, no matter what the outer world is saying or doing. 


True self-leadership is being able to stay centered in the eye of the storm, no matter how disordered things appear to be. 


Instead of being caught up in the masses, step into being a master. 


If you want to do something different, you have to change what you are thinking first.  


How you become objective minded and shift your perceptions is by asking yourself some quality questions. 


Ask, “Where is the certainty in my future?” if you feel uncertain in your future. Find where the opposite is true in your life now. 


When you open your eyes and mind you finally appreciate the perfection right in front of you. This is self mastery. 


Not everyone will understand this level of thinking. To be great is to be misunderstood.  


What do you choose? Follow or lead? Submission or Mastery?


And not just today. Because just like in a relationship, the power of one choice made long ago can fade. This is a choice we make every day. To recommit.


—End of Musings. Task to follow—


Now, if you’re open to creating a divine design that transcends the outside world, and plan it out in 2023, then come and join the Maximum Growth New Years Workshop. Its an epic 24 hours of classes over 2 months to Clear Your Year and Set Your Year and not be wavered by the outside world. Click for details here.



Now, if you’re open to creating a divine design that transcends the outside world, and plan it out in 2023, then come and join the Maximum Growth New Years Workshop. Its an epic 24 hours of classes over 2 months to Clear Your Year and Set Your Year and not be wavered by the outside world. Then make sure you turn up to class in December & January (FYI – this program is included in your membership and replaces!). 


Happy belated Halloween/end of the world/glimmer of hope.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available








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