You want to stop doing this today…(take a peek…)

Yes you, stop being a people pleaser. We all have had moments in our lives when we want to be liked by others. It makes us feel all the good feelings (thanks brain), plus we feel connected to people and can create a sense of importance. But is it really worth it? I think the answer is a clear no. …

What are your emotions revealing to you?

Sometimes emotions can get the better of you, engulf your being until you feel you are spiralling out of control.   It snowballs, one experience triggers a cascade of sensations that can feel, let’s face it, mighty uncomfortable.   What is important to remember is that emotions are a kind of arousal that emerges from our experience.   Feelings are …

Three actions for success

Would you like to know the secret sauce to success? Oh you want me to whisper it into your ear {first_name}! If we could create a secret formula of success, bottle it, add a fancy label, we would probably get rich off it. If only it were that simple. But the truth is, you ain’t here, reading this newsletter if …

A little gift to fire up your finances

It was the end of the financial year this week. It’s an opportunity for you to do a review of your income and expenses, see where you’re at with your net worth and how you’re tracking your financial goals. #Financialfreedomplease Ok, I know you’ll either be doing a boggie on your chair with me to celebrate your achievements this year …

For you, my overthinker

You’d be surprised how many people associate crying with weakness. And they think that if they completely dissolve a dynamic to where the only words left in their heart are, “Thank you, I love you” then they’ll cry and they’ll be perceived as weak. (Usually that’s a belief learned early on in childhood – between 3-7 years old.) If that’s …

I found a cause I want to dedicate my life to

“You’re not a facilitator, you’re a gardener, you plant seeds and watch things germinate.” That’s what I tell the coaches I work with who are challenged with the shifts you see with clients. This isn’t a philosophy I read from somewhere, I know this to be true because people have planted seeds for me. In 2015 when I completed my …

One Powerful Word

Let’s have a hard conversation. About “no.” Yes? 😂 When you hear the word ‘no’ in sales, you’re meant not to take it as a hard ‘no’ but more a ‘no for now.’ Some people believe that it takes 7 ‘no’s’ from someone until they say yes. Let’s spin it around to you being the one saying ‘no’. Your initial …

Can I share a story with you?

I have a story to share. It’s not mine. And I don’t remember where I read it. But I wanted to share it with you as it might be your story. M A M A ’ S M A M A ’ S ”Grandma, I’m tired. So tired of this life…” “Take your tiredness, my child, and wrap it around …

MIA – What I Learned In The Last Month

You may have noticed I have been MIA from your inbox the past four weeks. Let me explain. . . I came down with the flu after my sister’s wedding in March. It was rough on my body that I had to cancel clients. There goes a week. The following week, my daughter had gastro. Just when you think it’s …

Are you depriving yourself?

Are you depriving yourself? Deprivation comes in different forms. Maybe it’s not focusing on what you do have, instead, a constant focus on what you don’t have. Maybe it’s not allowing yourself to feel “positive” emotions (because God forbid you were to be above equilibrium and come crashing down). Or maybe it’s putting yourself in a dynamic with another couple …