Sharing my big news with you

Firstly, this is a long post and, just in case you were wondering, this post is sponsored by caffeine and my undying appreciation for writing.

Being in the service business, we can sometimes get the balance out of whack.

Running a service-oriented business often requires a delicate balance between doing what you love and delegating responsibilities to others.

It is especially tricky when you are a new business owner and trying to strike the balance between saving money (and you doing the work) and investing in others to grow the business.

Striking this balance is essential for growth and success, as it allows business owners to focus on their strengths while leveraging the skills of others to expand their reach.

For me in 2022, the balance was waaaaaaay off. I was working 12 hours a day, plus being a mum to Bonnie, which meant working until past midnight most nights, very little time for much else.

My head was so full of a million things that needed to be done and I was stretched beyond my limits. It would have been OK for a month, but rolling into the fourth month in a row was starting to take a toll.

I dropped the ball, I made mistakes, I sent emails to the incorrect list, the timing was off in calendars. It was a hot ball of mess. (thank you for your patience too)

On one hand, I love what I do and that I sincerely care about my clients and that is the driving force behind business.

But the day that I realized that I was ‘burnt out’ and I couldn’t take another client session was the day something had to change.

I took four weeks off work (only a week extra than originally planned) and I got to work. The focus: How to strike a balance between doing what I love, building a business – oh and getting my life back again. 

As the universe provided, I had an all-expense trip for five days to Salt Lake City, so I took the opportunity to deeply reflect on my life.

If I solely relied on personal inspiration for growth and sustainability, I’m limiting myself.

My struggle was with areas of business that I didn’t love. I wasn’t paying attention either. I couldn’t keep up with the demands of running a business alone.

Delegation is critical for growth and sustainability. By empowering others to handle routine tasks and responsibilities, you  free up time and resources to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Additionally, delegations can bring new perspectives and ideas to business, helping to drive innovation and growth.

I wanted to delegate more, but I wanted to delegate in a way that meant the people who worked with me were equally invested in growing Maximum Growth as I was.


That is when an idea popped into my head. Justin Wiseman, a dedicated student at Maximum Growth, a business owner, a coach, would be a perfect fit in business. We have complimentary skills inside of business while sharing a love of coaching, universal principles and self-development. It’s the perfect business partnership.

We started a conversation and you know when you know that you just know.

It was like that. Roll on seven weeks later and Justin is now an equal partner of Maximum Growth. (check out the Facebook post if you missed it).

We are now able to leverage the strengths of each other, plus our automation queen Clavel who joined MG at the beginning of the year, so that we are able to grow Maximum Growth and lead the community in an inspiring way.

I am not recommending nor saying everyone has to get a business partner to grow. I know for my private coaching business, I don’t need someone to partner with, I can do that with the help of my executive assistant and some great processes in place.

But as Maximum Growth is a business, we have to adapt and evolve as the business grows.

This year is about doing more of what I love, filling all my buckets up, not just with work, but family, friends, fitness and striking the perfect balance between all my values being fulfilled.

How about you?

How’s the balance in your life going? Is there too much of one thing? And not enough of something else?

Curious to know, hit reply and let’s see how we can help you strike the perfect balance so you live up to the light that is within you.


Tanya Cross

Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Justin and I are doing
The Conversation together. The topic is “How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure”. It’s going to be inspiring. Make sure you join us for the two jam-packed sessions by registering here.









3 Signs You’re Depressed And Ignoring It

Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Even those who know universal principles and coach people, find themselves sliding down a slippery slope of depression and can’t seem to stop the fall. 


There is clinical depression, which is intense and persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that interfere with daily functioning.


But what about mild depression? It is lingering but not enough to make you stay in bed all day, but just enough to be like a black cloud hanging over you that you can’t seem to shake.


Many individuals are often unaware of the signs and symptoms of mild depression, and may even ignore them altogether. 


When we ignore it, bottle it up, and not deal with it, it can lead to a delay in seeking the help that is needed to overcome this mindset. 


Having worked with clients this week who were experiencing between mild to severe depression, I wanted to share with you the three signs that you may be experiencing depression and ignoring it.


    1. You’re experiencing physical symptoms.

      Depression can manifest itself in physical symptoms, such as fatigue, lack of energy, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns. If you’re feeling run down and exhausted, even when you’ve gotten enough rest, it could be a sign that you’re struggling with depression.

      Crying about small things, hiding from the world, not wanting to go out, not wanting to share your personal life. Depression can manifest itself in many different ways, and these behaviors are often seen as symptoms of the condition.

      Similarly, changes in appetite and sleep patterns can also be indicators of depression.
    2. You’re struggling with negative thoughts and emotions.

      Depression often comes hand in hand with negative thoughts and feelings, such as hopelessness, helplessness, and low self-esteem.

      If you find that you’re battling negative thoughts and emotions and can’t seem to shake them from your thinking, it could be a sign that you’re dealing with depression.

      It’s important to acknowledge these feelings, understand the thinking that is creating them and seek support to help transform depression into living life again.
    3. You’re losing interest in things that once brought you inspiration and enthusiasm.

      One of the hallmark signs of depression is the loss of interest in activities that once brought you inspiration. You might have been in a relationship, and it is high value, and you are no longer in the relationship.

      You started building a coaching practice and then, after a short period of time, you lost your drive to build it.

      If you find that you’re no longer interested in things that you once loved, it could be a sign that you’re struggling with depression.


Depression is a complex condition that can impact many aspects of our lives. 


I know for me personally, last year, I invested a lot of time working through my low levels of depression. It felt like being in a dark tunnel and wondering when the darkness would lift. 

There were so many changes in my life, I found myself in a place in business I didn’t want to be in anymore. I was doing too much and not delegating enough- at my expense.


It felt like never-ending changes and having to adapt and pivot, continuing to apply mindset questions even when sometimes I wanted to curl up in bed and sleep all day. 

2023 has definitely turned a corner as a result of lots of hours of working on myself, my fears and fantasies. I can’t wait to share them with you this coming week.


In the meantime, if you’re experiencing any of the signs discussed above, we have a community who sincerely cares about you, and classes that help you to overcome depression and regain your sense of spark in your life again. 


Classes are back for 2023. 

So please come and join us, or share with a friend who could benefit from this email. 


Looking forward to seeing you on the inside, 



Tanya Cross

Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available


P.S. Need mindset support?

Here are 3 ways to get our expert advice:


    1. Read the blog.
      You’ll find tips and advice on everything from how to make decisions, discovering your purpose, mastering your mindset and much more.
    2. Ask a question.
      Our free Students Of Wisdom Facebook group is a great place to meet other personal development lovers and get any burning questions answered or ask a question in the Ask Me Anything class here.
    3. Join Maximum Growth Academy.
      This is the place to be if you want to master your mindset, grow your leadership and elevate your business success. From training to support, you’ll find all you need in one place, no matter what stage of leadership and business you’re at. Learn more here.






This is hard

Relationships are some of the most fulfilling and meaningful aspects of life. They offer a shared life experience, a companion, and a sense of belonging. But despite the perceived positive benefits, relationships are not without their challenges. 


The struggles people face in their relationships can impact our ability to work, focus, and make effective decisions. Knowing how to navigate these challenges can help you stay on track and on purpose in life and in business.


All relationships are unique. There is no one right or wrong way to be in a relationship, and what works for one couple might not work for another. It’s about what works for each other and the relationship.


Having coached business owners in their personal and professional lives for 13 years, what I have noticed is that there are certain universal struggles that people face in their relationships, and it can be helpful to understand why they occur and how to address them.


In relationships, some people feel trapped or stuck. This can happen when one or both partners feel that they are not able to be themselves, grow, or express themselves fully in the relationship. 


The more’ stuck’ or ‘trapped’ one feels, the more they believe leaving will ‘free’ them. But if we live by universal laws, you can never have one without the other. You’re free inside a relationship but trapped outside.


For example, a client I worked with who desperately wanted out of a relationship was free to do what they wanted, when they wanted, and became trapped financially as they only had one income to support their three children.


Every relationship has to manage conflicts and disagreements. When two people come together, they bring with them their own set of values, beliefs, and habits, and it is inevitable that they will clash from time to time. 


We live in a culture where arguing is seen as negative and agreeing is seen as positive. Arguing is neither right nor wrong; it is a clash in communication and an opportunity to seek common ground and work together to find a solution that works for both of you.


Fear is another common struggle in relationships. Whether it’s fear of losing your partner, fear of being vulnerable, or fear of being rejected, fear can have a major impact on your relationship. 


Make fear your friend, and face it head-on. Talk to your partner about your fears and work together to find ways to address them. In our Maximum Growth Business Class, we apply a series of questions to clear the fear each quarter, so there is less in the way of having the life you love.


So, it’s the month of love, and regardless of your relationship status, I wish you oodles of love flying your way.



Tanya “with bundles of love” Cross

Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available


P.S. Our doors open soon to join Maximum Growth. Know someone who’d like to join? We’d love an introduction to see how we can help them. 





This is no small feat

This week in Australia, a new airline, Bonza, launched. 


It offers low-cost flights to some hidden regional and major capital cities. 


As part of Bonza’s phased rollout of flight releases, you’re able to book flights to 12 destinations on 15 routes.


Shouldn’t we all jump up and down with excitement?


Ah… Sit back down.


No. The flights go to random places like Coffs Harbour on the Sunshine Coast or Newcastle on the Whitsundays.


It is like saying you want to fly from Brighton to Oxford in the UK or Bloemfontein to Polokwane in South Africa. 


Every new business requires a business plan and then takes action to execute it. 


You can’t jump into your business if you have a vague idea of what you want, how you will market, get bums on seats or clients in sessions. 


I’m going to make a big assumption that Bonza has a plan in place. Especially since in 2020 the travel industry came to a screaming halt. The launch of a new business like Bonza could mean a sign of recovery. It costs a bomb to start a new airline, you don’t want it to come crashing down (oh God! Not the plane or the business!). 


The upside is, they are a company, and share the responsibilities around them. 


Being a solopreneur, you have to be the decision maker, the executioner, the CEO, CFO, CMO, COO, everything within the business. Maybe at some point in your business, you move from doing everything on your own to having help.


In the meantime, it can be challenging for several reasons:


  • Financial instability: You’re responsible for all expenses and income. This means they have to bear the financial burden of running the business without the safety net of a larger organization.
  • Lack of resources: You often have limited resources, such as time, money, and personnel. This can make it challenging to handle all aspects of the business and can lead to burnout.
  • Isolation: Without a team or co-workers, you can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can also impact their ability to bounce ideas off others and receive support.
  • Responsibility: There is no one else to rely on. Everything from sales and marketing to finances and operations falls on the solopreneur’s shoulders.
  • Difficulty in scaling: You may struggle with growing their business, as they often lack the resources and manpower needed to expand.


Starting, growing or thriving in business in any industry is no small feat. It takes courage, determination, and a clear understanding of yourself, your business and the market.  


Not everyone aspires to have a big business like Bonza, but you might have an unknown and unexplored destination in business you’d like to travel to and unsure how to get there. 


At Maximum Growth, in our Business Classes, we work every week of the year on your mindset around business. It takes what you imagine, and shifts your internal world to match your vision and goals. 


It’s a very inspiring 1 hour class, every week.


Come join us and make 2023 when all your business goals come to reality, see you in class. 


Let’s reach for the stars together,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

👉 Only a Mindset Member? Upgrade to the Business Membership here.

👉 If you’re keen to join us for the Maximum Growth Transformation Day coming up. Find out more, click here



If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” This rings in my ear this week.

It is important to know your values and have a set of principles that guide your actions and decisions. When you don’t have a clear sense of what you believe in, it is easy to be swayed by others or to fall into what others want for you. You end up living someone else’s life. 

One of the most important things in life is to have a sense of purpose. This purpose can come in many forms – it can be a yearly goal you’re working on, focusing on your health, building a business, or a lifetime goal you’d love to achieve.

Whatever it is, it gives you a sense of direction and helps you navigate through the ups and downs of life. When you have a clear sense of purpose, it becomes easier to make decisions, set priorities, and stay focused on what is truly important to you.

Let’s face it, it’s not easy to define what you stand for. We have to sort through the other voices, what we think we want to get clear on what we truly want for ourselves. 

This process can be difficult and uncomfortable, but it is necessary to truly understand yourself and what you want to stand for.

Once you have a clear sense of what you stand for, then it is being oh so brave to act in alignment with what you decide. This means being true to yourself even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable, and even challenging someone else.  

It also means being willing to take a stand for what you believe in, regardless of who will stand against you. 

Standing for something means being willing to question the status quo and to challenge the status quo. This can be difficult as it can create conflict with those who may disagree with you. 

For me, it is the essence behind Maximum Growth. What we stand for is:

Maintaining equanimity with others and equality within self

Seeing the hidden balance and potential in our experiences

Share meaningful things with the world

Find fulfillment in what we have while striving for more

We also believe firmly that no great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen. #Epicitius 

Results take time. I stand firm in that there is no easy or quick fix, but consistency is key. That is why we have weekly classes for you to join every week to go deep with your mindset work, find the problem under the problem and deeply transform your business, leadership and life. 

I know the work is deeply healing and life-changing. 

So I’m curious, what do you stand for {first_name}? What are you willing to stand for and go against the crowd because it is something you believe in?

Remember, when you stand for something, you are less likely to fall for anything. 

With love from my heart to yours,


Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Discovering Your Purpose: The Path to a Meaningful Life

Purpose is one of those tricky and sticky things that people struggle with for most of their life. 

Let’s take a step back in time with purpose and have a review of this topic according to the Stoics, Plato, and Aristotle.

The Stoics believed that the ultimate goal of life was to live in accordance with nature and reason. They believed that by understanding the natural order of things and aligning our actions with it, we could achieve fulfillment. The Stoics emphasized the importance of living in the present moment and appreciating whatever happens as part of the natural order.

Plato, on the other hand, believed that the ultimate goal of life was to achieve knowledge of the Forms*, or the eternal and unchanging truths that underlie the physical world. He believed that by gaining knowledge of the Forms, we could transcend the world of appearances and arrive at a higher understanding of reality.

(*Plato’s Forms are eternal and unchanging entities that exist independently of the physical world. Plato believed that the forms were the only true reality and that the physical world was a mere shadow or copy of the forms.)

Aristotle believed that the ultimate goal of life was to achieve eudaimonia, or human flourishing. He believed that this could be achieved by living a virtuous life, in which one develops and exercises virtues such as courage, wisdom, and justice. Aristotle also believed that finding one’s purpose in life was closely tied to one’s unique talents and abilities, and that each person had a distinct role to play in society (amen to that Aristotle).

The Stoics, Plato, and Aristotle all had different views on what the ultimate goal of life was, but they all believed that finding one’s purpose was essential for achieving a fulfilling life. The Stoics emphasized living in accordance with nature and reason, Plato believed in gaining knowledge of the Forms, and Aristotle believed in living a virtuous life and exercising one’s talents and abilities. Reflect on what you believe and align your actions accordingly.

If you are a curious creature and want to know how to discover your purpose, here are three steps.

  1. Reflect on your values and what makes you feel alive:
    The first step to finding your ultimate goal in life is to reflect on what you truly value and what passions drive you. Take some time to think about what matters most to you, whether it’s family, career, community service, or personal growth. Write down your values and what makes you feel alive and consider how they align with your current life and goals.
  2. Assess your skills and abilities:
    The second step is to assess your skills and abilities. Consider what you are naturally good at and what you enjoy doing. Think about your past experiences and successes, and how they can contribute to your future goals. Identify areas where you need to develop your skills and abilities to achieve your ultimate goal.
  3. Set specific, measurable and attainable goals:
    The final step is to set specific, measurable, and attainable goals that align with your values, passions, and skills. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller, more manageable steps. Set deadlines for each step and make a plan to achieve them. Remember to be flexible and adjust your goals as needed.

Your ultimate goal is something that drives you, and makes you inspired to achieve it. Finding your ultimate goal in life requires self-reflection, assessing your skills and abilities, and setting specific, measurable and attainable goals. And this takes time, but it is worth it. 

If you have ever wanted to know what your purpose is, and want to invest some dedicated time to discovering, uncovering or rediscovering your purpose, come to Maximum Growth Business Class. We are about to start 6 weeks of inspired work around purpose that will spark something within you. 

Here’s to living up to the light that is within you, 



Leadership Coach & Master Certified DeMartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

You Just Can’t Ignore this

We would all like boundless energy, right?

But you just can’t ignore these enormous shifts in your energy level. 

Where exactly did all that energy come from? There was no sudden change in your eating or sleeping habits. You didn’t rest for longer periods of time to build up your energy?

Yet when you get an inspiring idea for business or you think of a new piece of content you want to write, you’re not tired at all. The energy, the enthusiasm just won’t stop overwhelming you. People see you and they remark on how you look like a bundle of light. Where did all this energy come from?

What you’ll see if you watch carefully is that you have a phenomenal amount of energy inside of you that doesn’t come from food. It doesn’t come from sleep. It doesn’t come from anything external. 

This energy is available to you at any moment. You can draw upon it. It just wells up and fills you from the inside. When you’re filled with this energy, you feel like you could take on the world.

When it is flowing strongly, you can feel it coursing through you in waves. It gushes up spontaneously from deep inside, restores, replenishes and recharges you. We all want a little more of that for 2023, don’t we?

(I can’t imagine you saying no thank you, I want more of laying in bed watching Netflix and being tired please!)

The only reason you don’t feel this energy is that you block it. You block it by closing your heart and closing your mind. This closes you off from all the energy. When you close your heart, you close your mind, you hide in the darkness within you. There is no light, there is no energy, there is nothing flowing, and energy is still there but it can’t get in.

How many times have you experienced this dynamic in your life?

At MG, we live by the quote, you are not bound to win, you are bound to be true. You are not bound to succeed, you are bound to live up to the light that is within you. 

All the energy gives you light within. 

You have this beautiful energy inside you when you are open, you don’t feel it when you are closed.

This flow of energy comes from the depth of your being. It’s been called by many names in ancient Chinese medicine. It’s called Chi in yoga; it’s called Shakti in the West. It’s called Spirit in Christianity. Call it whatever you want. All the great spiritual traditions talk about this spiritual energy just given different names.

That spiritual energy is what you’re experiencing when love rushes into your heart. That’s when you’re experiencing it, you’re exhausted by something, and all this high energy comes up inside you.

The only thing you must know is that opening allows energy in and closing blocks it out.

Now you must decide whether or not you want this energy. How much enthusiasm do you want to have to do the things you do?

If enjoying a full life means experiencing energy, enthusiasm, and love, then don’t ever close.

There are very simple methods for staying open. Come and apply the DeMartini Method to resolve your emotional charges. 

The more you learn to stay open, the more energy can flow into you.

Now, you have to ask, are you stopping your flow?


With flowing love from my heart to yours. 


Leadership Coach & Master Certified DeMartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

18 Reasons To Be Grateful Today

Today is a day to be present with all the gifts and gratitude available to you.

Here is a few from the team at MG to you,

  • The fresh start you’re given every second of the day
  • The gifts from nature
  • The freedom to choose
  • Opportunities for growth
  • The challenges that allow you to grow
  • The ever-present opportunities to make wise decisions
  • The gift of language and being able to communicate
  • The ability to learn from the past and step into the future with the new learnings
  • The “haters” who helped you build resilience by saying, “No, you can’t!”
  • The random smile that got you through your last impossible day
  • The inspiration that sweeps you out of your comfort zone
  • The people who’ve dedicated their lives to inspiring others
  • The pain that reminds you of the need to change
  • Each failure that led to your achievements, and everyone who encouraged you to keep going
  • The impossible, for inspiring us to expand our limits
  • The ability to change your whole life with one single thought
  • The option to be grateful no matter where you are or what you’re experiencing
  • The gift of being alive

Have a beautiful day, and inspiring finish to 2022. 

Much love,


Leadership Coach & Master Certified DeMartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

The Greatest Tragedy of Human Existence

I was reading one of my favorite kids books to Bonnie this week, it’s about Albert Einstein’s life called On A Beam Of Light. 

He is a fascinating guy.

He didn’t arrive at his understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind. Instead, he attained it through sitting quietly and listening to his intuition. 

“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.”

He believed time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think. Physical concepts are creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world.

But how much do we limit ourselves with the constraints in space and time? 

Our separation from each other, and our ideas, our goals is an optical illusion.

If energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another, then our dream life is there already in one form, it is us that has to morph it into what we would love it to be.  

Think about it and make it so. 

The universe is made of sound and light. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. 

If we lived everyday like this, in the interconnectedness of life itself, imagine what we could achieve. 

The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.

It is the tragedy because it is the separation that causes pain and suffering in our mind. We become disillusioned into what is not possible rather than dreaming what is possible. 

We have to remember we are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.

We have a purpose, a mission here to play out. 

When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.

Alignment doesn’t just magically happen. You have to shift through the layers of emotional baggage, limitations, and conditional that doesn’t allow you to fully know yourself and feel the freedom to be yourself. 

The very concept that Albert talks about is why I created Maximum Growth Classes. For you to no longer feel separated, but deeply connected to yourself and the world around you, for you to know your purpose and have the inspiration to go and live it, whatever it is in your heart.

Hope to see you in class for the Maximum Growth Set The Year in 2023.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Nothing Is Missing, What Are You Searching For?