What is executive functioning and why is it important?

Executive function describes how we juggle our actions, thoughts, and emotions in our everyday life. It involves working memory, decision-making, self-control, and mental flexibility.

We rely on strong executive functions to stay focused, plan ahead, make connections between ideas, cope with stress and not reach for that block of chocolate hidden in the back of the cupboard!

This part of the brain begins to develop during early childhood through simpler cognitive, physical, emotional, and linguistic processes (like recognizing similarities and differences, identifying their own emotions as well as others, and following directions).

Eventually, children should be able to handle cognitive tasks (e.g. doing simple addition and subtraction) while regulating their emotions (e.g. not have a meltdown when they can’t solve a problem or have what they want).

It’s not only children who are learning how to activate their executive function, manage their emotions, think and plan more into the future, adults are too.

You aren’t born with these skills (nope, it’s not hardwired within us).

You are instead born with the potential to develop them (AKA our natural drive to grow and evolve).

Some people may need more support than others to develop these skills (hands up to being one of them at times. Yes, I put my hand up too).

If you’ve experienced (yes, all in your perception) childhood trauma, not getting what you needed from your relationships with adults, social isolation and other factors that influence stress, your ability to have developed this skill can be delayed or impaired (these disrupt the brain architecture and impair the development of executive centre).

Self-monitoring is the key. It’s the glue that sticks all the executive functions together to help achieve goals and greater independence.

This skill helps us understand our behaviors and how we adjust and make changes in the future.

Self-monitoring can be done by assessing yourself and where you are at in life.

Think of it like a report card which checks in to see how you’re going, what you could be doing more or less to achieve your goals or even how emotionally regulated/unregulated you are (and remember avoidance of feeling anything is unregulated).

Over time you require less check in’s as you have more and more self governance.

Another strategy to develop self monitoring is self talk.

Our brains are powerful and have the capacity to control our behavior based on our thoughts or our internal dialogue.

We all know that sometimes our inner thoughts aren’t productive, but instead are scattered, or easily distracted.

The Demartini Method is a series of questions you can self-talk and you can independently bring your scattered private thoughts into focus, guiding yourself through challenges, resolving emotions and helping you to feel centered to make wise, thought-out decisions.

This is why we hold our Maximum Growth Mindset Classes twice a week throughout the year. It is a way to teach you to check in with yourself, provide scaffolding you need to learn the skill of asking quality questions to bring you (AKA your mind) into greater levels of self-governance.

This then frees your mind to get on with your divine plan, your mission, and take the action steps to fulfil it.

Class starts back again next Tuesday (USA/UK) / Wednesday (AUS/NZ).

Hope to see you on the inside,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Inspired to finally have a date for our Walkshop, 5 days of inner transformation set around the beautiful waters of Sydney. Want to be on the first in the best dressed list? Click here.

How do you live when you have nothing left to give?

You can’t think straight, decisions are waiting to be made, you have no energy to do anything but lay horizontal and stare at yet another NetFlix series for hours. The world nor work doesn’t look so bright anymore, instead it’s a dark lens that appears over everything.

Let’s be real, energy is life, without it, life sucks.

A recent survey of workers across 25 countries, including 1,000 in Australia, found Australian office workers are the most burnt out in the world, ahead of Italy, China, Canada, the US and the UK.

Let’s first define burnout as “a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest or motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.” Warning signs and symptoms include fatigue, lowered immune system functioning, feelings of failure and self-doubt, isolation, procrastination, and taking frustrations out on others.

More than half of the Australian respondents said they suffered from burnout in the last 12 months, with 52% admitting they’ve taken time off due to mental health concerns during pandemic lockdowns.

The pandemic has taken its toll on society in many ways, on office workers as well as business owners. Many clients I work with have been hustling over the past almost two years, have recorded their biggest and best months and years earnings ever, but, it’s starting to take a toll on them.

They haven’t taken solid time out to reflect or unwind. It’s been a constant sprint in what is now a marathon world crisis.

Hustling is helpful in bursts, but not long term sustainable. Hustling is where your nervous system is heightened, and it feels like we’re ‘on’ most of the time. We’re tuned in to social media, endless emails, our phones are within arms reach, even when we sleep.

Burnout then occurs for many reasons, one of which is when the off switch hasn’t been activated for too long.

And it can become a real challenge to turn ‘off’.

I know so many leaders who struggle to take time off, for some it’s been 5 years since their last break. But it’s not just about holidays, it’s not taking time out everyday.

Clients tell me it’s difficult to find the time to go for a walk or to the gym. It feels like business is so important and won’t be able to function if you step out for a moment.

Remember, when we’re working hard and hustling, we activate our sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This SNS is known as fight-or-flight mode, a state of stress that was designed to see us through life-threatening scenarios.

These days our body cannot tell the difference between life-threating and work-related stress. If you’re under the pump at work, your body naturally falls into this supremely heightened state of stress, preparing you for the worst.

Our body is not designed to sustain in this way long term.

So here you are, hustling like a mofo. And then you hit a wall.

If you’re in the service business, and you’re most like the product and service, hitting the wall isn’t helpful.

In fact, it can stall, even stop your business. Then what do you do when your tank is empty and you’ve got nothing left to give?

You see burnout happens in cycles;

  1. Building momentum in business
  2. Go all in and give it everything you have and more
  3. Feeling imbalance but you ignore yourself and keep on pushing and hustling forward
  4. Overwhelm occurs
  5. Fatigue sets in because you’re overworked, not focused on other values and forgotten to give to yourself
  6. Collapse (but not in a Demartini Method kind of way)

So we can either be PROACTIVE or REACTIVE when it comes to burnout.

  1. Acknowledge there is a problem. Yep, super simple but a quick life review around all the areas of life and notice are you surviving or thriving? If there is more surviving then Houston, we have a problem.
  2. Make a list of EVERYTHING that isn’t working for you in your life. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, write all the things that ain’t floating your boat but drowning you instead.
  3. Create a plan to either shift your mindset around what isn’t working, ie benefit, benefit, benefit until you love it OR drop or delegate it (no matter what the cost because if not, the cost is you (ie. the product and service, the linchpin in the whole operation)). You’ll be feeling lighter already by this point.
  4. Then create an inspiring plan to move forward that lights you up. This is where you’ll see your energy run through you again, maybe as a little trickle to start, and over the coming days and weeks it’ll amp back up again trust me.
  5. PLUS, I’m all for leveling up and continued growth and learning. It’s this framework that can break the cycle of burnout (ie – less hustle, more flow) and keeps us inspired about the future and what we are creating.

The point is, you can either wrap your business around your life or your life around your business.

So if you’re on the burnout bandwagon, or just getting back into work from having your well deserved downtime, then consider breaking the cycle. Make 2022 a new evolution of how you do business and your life.

In class, this month, we’ve been creating the ‘Divine Design’ to keep you focused and inspired in creating the thriving life you want to lead. It’s not too late to join like-minded people and gain access to all the templates to create exciting energy to propel your life forward. Take a look here.

With a warm fuzzy full of energy hug,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Free lesson inside! And….It’s my favorite one ;)

You know those people who do the unthinkable? They bite off more than they can chew and then they chew like Pac-man to make it happen? And it happens?!

Then there are the others, who stare at the plate and freeze. Motionless. So overwhelmed they don’t know where to start?

Do you find yourself as the latter? If so, I have two questions for you:

  1. How do the Pac-Man’s of the world do it? (Cause it’s usually not just a combination of hustle, skill and/or talent) and
  2. Is being motionless YOUR best path to kicking goals for this year?

People are still surfing the New Year enthusiasm wave right now.

But I’ll bet quietly (in the privacy of their vanity mirror) most of those people are packing their daks at the audacity of some of their goals.

My guidelines for goals are simple:

They are one part scary and one (or more) parts inspiring. That’s not a guarantee of a perfect goal, but it IS a reliable indicator of completion.

That’s what I call, “an elephant”. Because it’s big and beautiful and majestic and usually a little terrifying in the wild. (Your big ol’ brain is the safari in this scenario.)

If you’ve ever tried leaping outside your comfort zone you probably know those feelings.

But what if the terrifying is more than just one part?

What do you do if you’ve set yourself the Big Daddy Elephant of the Herd version of your goal?

You need a strategy, a designed plan for where you’re headed.

And for “eating” elephants… you nibble.

You start with something that feels (and IS) doable… and you build on top of it.

Eventually it snowballs into recognisable progress.

We’ve talked about delayed gratification before. Reaching your dreams one step at a time.

This week’s lesson is about the SIZE of your steps.


If you feel like you’re biting off more than you can chew this year – or ever – whether launching a complex project, approaching a big name in your industry, finally tackling deep rooted baggage you’ve swept under the rug for decades, etc… then what’s the ONE next step you can take?

In class this week, we took some steps forward towards our goals by writing our Divine Design, and mapping out what we want in our life. But in an elegantly simple way.

What’s your nibble for now?

That small bite you can tear off and chew like mad (and even if you stumble through it, the stakes are low enough you can stumble comfortably).

Because it’s true what they say:

You really can do ANYTHING. Even your very own Maximum Growth Goal.

The only prerequisite is that you keep biting and chewing.

Sure, sometimes it might feel overwhelming.

But consistency is key. It builds more and more momentum over time.

So we have had the gang at Maximum Growth working on their Divine Design, goal setting that aligns with your soul’s calling. And what we have focused on has been keeping it simple.

Nothing more challenging then having the drive the set your goals for 2022 but you’re too overwhelmed to even open your document and know where to start writing and planning/

So tell me – what are you working on?

Sidenote: writing it down and telling someone makes it real. And real is like focusing your binoculars on that elephant – you increase the probability you’ll do it. (We had some very inspiring goals shared in the Business Membership this week, like Yvonne sharing her Northern Star with the class and working towards owning it, owning the space and stepping into her power as a business woman as she purchases her 5th business.)

I’m all about getting you to that next level.

With love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. – no elephants were harmed in the making of this email. Phew.

P.P.S. It’s not too late to complete your Divine Design and achieve your inspiring goals with like-minded people.

Work Begins Again

Hey life spark,

Isn’t it crazy that we’ll invest in Netflix, holidays & eating out, yet what makes the biggest difference to a more meaningful journey over our lifetime is the thing we invest the least in – our connection with our light and life and sharing our heart with the world.

It’s easy to become distracted; the days, weeks and months can be lost in meaningless tasks or other people’s issues. Too often we are living a life of duty over design, or being swept in the streams of others’ lives, rather than creating our own waves which send ripples through humanity.

My client this week was struggling with that very issue: how to achieve their goals without being distracted by duty, what they are obligated to do for others. They perceived themselves to be living outside of themselves rather than lighting the flame within (and allowing others to do the same).

You’re here because you feel in the depths of your being that you have something more to offer the world. You want to level up, not only your influence but to make an impact (and let’s sprinkle increased income on that too). It is time for a transformation (or a huge life evolution) because if not now? When? And if not you? Who?

Abraham Lincoln stated, “You’re not bound to win, you’re bound to be true. You’re not bound to succeed, you’re bound to live up to the light within you (and the motto we have here at Maximum Growth).”

You are a messenger of light, you come from unconditional love and this is where you will return. The depths of your being knows this love and light.

You are meant to shine. It is your inner nature. It’s not just for a handful of people. It is for everyone. It is within everyone. But sometimes the reality of life gets dark. Really dark. You may feel fragmented into many pieces. You may feel torn down, lost, hollow, even broken. In moments like this, your vision has become clouded and you lose your inner guidance and knowing.

Remember, you are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you (nor right either). You aren’t here to be perfect; you already are. All this you experience has a purpose. It is perfect for your unique mission and voice to share with the world (yes, lost to be found kind of perfection).

The thing is, you’re here for three things in life.

  1. You’re here to create.
  2. You’re here to know.
  3. You’re here to grow.

It’s time to rise from where you are. Imagine yourself like a seed in the darkness, wanting to grow into a big oak tree (or whatever tree takes your fancy).

Maximum Growth is like the inbuilt watering system to help you at all stages of the journey.

Our January classes, “Set The Year 2022“, unleashes your light to make a greater impact on the world.

If you are enrolled in any of the Maximum Growth Memberships (Starter, Business or Coaching Memberships), then these classes are included.

If you are not a member and would like to join us, click here to learn more.

In class we focus on one of the three main purposes you’re here for in life, and that is to create.

You’ll be creating your Divine Design. With a Divine Plan, your life is your own. You can leave your life in others’ hands or move from creature to creator by defining the life you would love to lead.

Napoleon Hill once said ‘create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.’ Your Divine Design is the detailed plan to help you manifest a fulfilling, meaningful and inspired life to help to bring the future into the present and create your vision now.

This is your life, this is your Divine Design.

Come and join other like-minded leaders and create your own Divine Design so that when you open the document, it will bring tears to your eyes.

Looking forward to seeing you in class soon,

With gratitude,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you can’t join class this month I just have to remind you that you are a messenger of light, you come from unconditional love and this is where you will return. The depths of your being knows light. You aren’t here to be perfect; you already are. The human experience is full of richness, rise and fall, fall and rise with it gracefully, stumbling blocks are your stepping stones for you to teach you more about yourself. You aren’t here to live under someone else’s expectations of you, their judgment of right and wrong, good and bad. You are here to grow. You are here to experience the world, to experience the infinity of divinity through the fininity of humanity, the messy, the clean, the sweaty, salty, dry and sweetness of all that life has to offer. You are here to be beautifully human and to feel is a part of the human experience. Feel with certainty and presence in your mind, gratitude and love in your heart and enthusiasm and inspiration in your body. Shine bright stardust. Tanya x

Are you hiding?

Subject: Are you hiding?

In session last week with Elizabeth (let’s call her that here), something profound happened that I have to share with you.

She has a dream inside her to be a writer for as long as she can remember. #EatPrayLove but more #CareShareBare(your soul)style.

She has a relatively new coaching business and it’s not financially where she’d like it but it’s growing in income and impact.

With the rising success, her work isn’t what makes her heart sing.

Writing does.

She is met with tones of brain noise in her business. Her internal chatter is so loud it’s distracting and draining her of any creative juices she has inside her.

Now, add an extra layer of complexity to the dynamic and she perceives herself to be behind.

She wants to be further along the success path than she is. So she’s pushing and forcing her business forward.

This means grinding every day out of fear. Her thoughts raced to unknowns; if she dropped the ball, if she didn’t make that sales call; if she didn’t produce content, if she didn’t wake up before 5am, there would be no ball to pick up again and her business would cease to exist.

(oh yeah and not to mention she’s be working on every time zone in the world, trying to be in all places at once like some inconceivable super human).

It’s creating a business out of desperation which leads to deprivation.

Deprivation means the drive to offer your service comes from a feeling of lack, not abundance.

I know too many people in the world who are not doing what they feel called to do and forcing themselves down a path of necessity to get them where they want to go.

They think “I’ll do this to make enough money now to set me up to do the thing I love later.”

What they’re really saying is “I’ll sell my soul for a price today and hope that sometimes in the future I’ll get to do what I love. Maybe.”

Now, if you died tomorrow, you’d die without shining your light on the world.

The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Don’t let money blind you on your path.

Some wise words from Steve Jobs, “your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.”

The secret to a fulfilled life is to find out what your purpose is and then follow it.

That means trusting in your soul’s calling and for divine guidance to light the way.

And let the money be the byproduct of the inspired message you’d love to share with the world.

Remember, it is “not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” Seneca.

Circling back to the session with Elizabeth. We are coming close to the end of the session. She is wanting to get more of her creative writing juices flowing so she says “I’ll write every day for an hour at 3pm for one hour.”

Just as she had finished the sentence, Amazon Alexa (a smart home system thingy)pipes up and says “I’ll set an alarm for you at 3pm every day.”


Seriously, if this was not a moment where the universe was conspiring to make this girl do her purpose, I don’t know what is.

So are you living your purpose? Are you doing what your soul is calling (or screaming) at you to do?

And what needs to shift to level up in 2022 to make a bigger impact with your purpose?

Much love,



P.S. So it’s time for me to take a break from coaching and re-energise with my family and pouring over some really cool books I’ve purchased about somatic coaching, trauma, attachment disorders and emotions. We restart MG classes on Wednesday, 13th January. I’ve purchased some really cool books to read over the summer break on somatic coaching, trauma, attachment disorders and emotions.

You can still contact Claire about your membership, or anything MG related. She’ll be around.

P.P.S. If you’re not a member and you’d love to join the 12 hours of planning classes we have coming up, please register your interest here.

I bent a spoon with my mind

I bent a spoon with my mind on Wednesday.

Say what?!

I was given 5 tablespoons at the start of the Quantum Spoon Bending course on Monday.

I gave it my best effort to bend these metal utensils with all my might (so much so I had a vein popping out of my head I was trying so hard) but it did not budge.

They became my friends for three days, hanging with me everywhere I went. I felt connected to them, and even worried about them when I didn’t know where I put them.

Now, let’s get something straight about spoon bending ????.

It isn’t a scene from Carrie, where you look at the spoon, and it twists around in circles.

There is some action by touching the spoon that is required.

The part of bending it with the mind was using these;

  • Intention
  • Certainty
  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Belief
  • And the exponential power of love

Plus you’re in a meditative state too, accessing your higher powered self so that helps to access a greater power too.

Now, over the period of the three days, doubt flooded me. Doubt in the possibility of doing it.

What if I spent all this money and I don’t bend a spoon? Plus, 3 days away from my daughter is a lot for no outcome.

Like we do in Maximum Growth classes, I looked for the problem under the problem. It revealed doubt was a coverup for the drive to excel entangled with a fear of failure.

We have that in everyday life. We doubt if we can make money, grow our business, take a break for a moment and our business survive.

I became comfortable with failure. I realised there is only love (thanks to some divine intervention from a book I found). I owned where I have bent reality in different moments in life.

So, waking up on Wednesday, I felt certainty run through my veins.

We get ready to bend spoons for the first time.

I’m laying down, my spoons on my belly and flowing with the guided meditation.

After a while, I’m instructed to pick up the spoon. Our instructor says over the top of the meditation in a soothing voice, “treat your spoon like your lover.”

“Oh la la… how lucky is this spoon.” (nothing is missing moment, thank you very much universe).

Getting serious, I connected with my spoon, feeling it, being grateful for its existence, then started to feel like it was an extension of myself. I felt an enormous amount of love for this spoon. I began to rub the spoon like I was caressing my own arm.

Over a period of time, I could feel the energy in my fingers transfer to the spoon.

It wasn’t just two fingers, all my fingers felt like they were on fire. I’d touch the spoon in a different spot and the spoon would become hot.

I tried to bend the spoon, but nothing.

This could have been a deflating moment where I doubted I couldn’t do it, but my certainty about doing it outweighs my reality of not feeling it happen.

(that’s a life lesson right there – believing over your current reality!)

I kept talking to the spoon, imagining the particles vibrating with my touch. I kept repeating “bend” and tried again.


My internal cheer squad stepped in now, “Tan, you’ve got this.”

After a few more attempts, I pushed the spoon with some pressure it bent to a right angle and stopped in its tracks.

“Thank you spoon.”

Without hesitation, I picked up the next spoon, ready to go again.

Repeating my internal mantras, my certainty of the possibilities increasing, I attempt to bend the second spoon.




The third time, there was movement, a little more than last time.

Onto the third spoon.

This one was a little heavier than the first two. I touched this spoon for about 10 seconds and felt drawn to bend.

Without questioning, I touched the tip of the spoon, and this time, it felt as if it was liquid and bent with grace and ease all the way back to the handle in one fluid movement.

Round one is complete and we come out of round one of meditation.

Here is what I learned;

  • Even when something is fixed, it can also be flexible given different circumstances.
  • Focused energy builds momentum
  • And doubt cancels abundance and possibilities

So consider what you doubt as a possibility now?

And what would you like to shift in your mindset to create certainty in your life?

Something to ponder as we step into 2022.

With gratitude,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

PS. If you’re keen to watch the Ask Me, Anything class, where I explain the spoon bending experience in more detail, click here.

Who needs a clutter free environment to work?

It’s amazing what will distract you during the day.

You set the intention to work. You’re ready and geared to reduce your inbox, create some content, do those admin tasks that have been building up. Today is the day!

Start time approaches.

You’re about to walk to your desk, and you notice the house is a mess. You wonder how it managed to get to this state while picking up after the other family members.

Your focused is on tidying. Your eye catches the pile of dishes in the kitchen that was left from breakfast.

Without even thinking you’re stacking the dishwasher and wiping the benches. Then work pops into your mind. You say to yourself, “I’ll get to it in a minute, I’ll just finish here first.”

You’re 30 minutes behind when you make your way to the office.

Your eyes dart to the piles of papers, the leftover cup from yesterday, little grubby paw prints over your laptop keypad from someone eating something sticky.

#Mydeskismysanctuary… A few choice words to the family member responsible.

You can’t focus on what you have to do without having a clear and clean space to work (deep sigh).

You’ve tried to work in the mess before. But the mess in your environment creeps into your headspace and you can’t seem to collect your thoughts. You’re frustrated at others, you’re upset they don’t think of you and you have to do so much around the house.

Plus, you’re a perfectionist and want things to be ‘just right.’ Your environment has to be perfect, your work perfect, you have to be the perfect spouse, parent, friend.

I know this experience to be true for many people because it’s a common problem that clients who run a business and a household (plus work from home) raise in a session.

As you know your clients can sometimes be a reflection of yourself so I’ll put my hand up to say I’ve focused on cleaning and not working at times (it happens now when I am stressed, some people bite their nails, I clean).

I have dug deep into the depths of mine and others’ internal thinking to understand why.

Here is the top learning that has been the most helpful in transforming this experience.

Life is like a juggling act of priorities. Which thing is more important than another?

You’ll know what’s important by the decisions you make in your life.

Essentially, every point in your life is a decision.

You wake up in the morning. You decide what you’re going to do next. Do you pick up your phone and scroll through social media to see what the world is doing? Do you open your emails to see if any income work came through overnight? Or read your mission statement in your notes? Or channel your pre-2008 life version (no smartphones peeps) and lay there contemplating your day?

8 am comes around and you’re deciding (if you’re in a job or have your own business) what you’re going to do next.

At night when the kids are in bed, you have another decision point. Do you read a book you’ve been contemplating for weeks that sits on your bedside table or Netflix all night? Do you stay up one more hour and watch one more episode because you can’t go to sleep without knowing what happens next? (Which it does for every episode and you say to yourself “I’ll go to sleep earlier tomorrow night”).

Have you ever stopped to contemplate are the decisions you’re making leading you to the goals you have in the future?

Consider it.

Reflect on your last week.

Did you do the things to help move the needle a little closer in the direction you’re aiming for?

Or did the decision distract you?

If it’s not tidying the house that distracts you, maybe it’s something else like mindless scrolling of social media or family/relationship distractions or other people’s problems in business.

Whatever it is for you, you’re the captain here. No one else is making you do anything you don’t want to do with your life.

Remember the quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions you ask and the quality of answers you provide.

You can ask the question at every decision point what is more important right now for my future self?

Is what I’m about to do leading me to where I’d love to grow and go?

If yes, great. Go take a step or a leap forward.

If not, pause. Look at the drawbacks of what you don’t want to be doing. Drawback. Drawback. Drawback. And find the benefit of what you’d like to do instead. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit.

Inch by inch. Day by day. You’ll start to notice that your life is unfolding exactly in the way that you’d love it to be.

Because let’s face it. Do you want to be known for a tidy home or for sharing your light with the world?

Go shine bright stardust.

With gratitude,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

PS. Feeling a little distracted with low priorities and want to redirect your focus? Keep an eye out next week for our New Years Classes to refocus and create an inspiring 2021.

What if no one showed up to my event?

My first group coaching session as a facilitator 11 years ago was a hot flaming mess.

The truth is, it was so disastrous that I was probably lucky only 3 people showed up to witness the carnage (and one I dragged them to it and made them sit with a ball and chain to do their work – ah the learnings are so palpable).

So crushed at the flop that I turned into that screaming-at-the-top-of-her lungs teen, as she slams her bedroom door energy, “This will NEVER happen to me AGAIN! (while then asking “what’s the goddamn benefits Tanya!)”

I had no understanding of what it meant to run a business.

Actually, the idea of running a business wasn’t even a thought. I wanted to be a coach, not a business owner.

Lordy, was I naïve, or what?!

Cue to today…

Now I’m a little older and wiser (with a lot more grey hairs too).

After 11 years of growing a coaching business, I have realized business is the vehicle for you to express your service to the world. So it’s helpful to love business too.

And I have realized so much more:

  • It didn’t matter so much that I’d learned a bunch of new things that I wanted to share with clients.
  • It didn’t matter so much that I was getting a lot of shit done.
  • It didn’t matter so much that I had a growing base of engaged followers.
  • It didn’t matter so much that some of the people on the sidelines wanted and wished me to fail.
  • It didn’t matter so much that I didn’t know how to read a profit and loss statement.

It mattered that I sincerely and deeply cared about serving people.

If I show up, if you knew you were being cared for, if you knew you had someone on your team, no matter what, people would talk.

And people talked.

Slowly, the word was out.

And my business grew.

But it isn’t only about others talking about your business. You have to start speaking about what you do to others too.

And can I tell you, from my experience as a coach, and helping people to grow themselves to grow their business, this struggle comes up a lot.

People genuinely find it difficult to talk about what they do. Mainly due to uncertainty about the service they offer.

If you can’t clearly articulate what you do to others, how do they know what they will come to you for? Or how others can refer people to you?

So how do you tackle such a problem?

In our Business Membership Class this week, the group focused on defining your perfect problem.

I thought I’d give you a little peek inside the class because I know you’d benefit greatly from the deep existential questioning.

Many businesses, when developing new products, processes, or just even serving clients, haven’t defined the problems they’re attempting to solve and articulated why those issues are important to the client to solve.

Instead, they create a solution before identifying the problem (this is especially true for coaches as they are solution-outcome focused).

So let’s get a little wisdom with the genius Albert Einstein. He said “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”


It makes you reflect on how much time you’ve spent defining the problem.

So circle back to when I struggled to get bums on seats at my first event. My focus was on getting people in the room. My self-driven focus was gaining experience with my craft.

The focus wasn’t on what problem people faced, how the program could shift or solve the problem for them.

I was essentially wishing clients my way, not working to get them to attend.

So how do you define a perfect problem?

  1. Start with brainstorming all the potential problems in your industry, with your clients, with the world and with the ones that stand out, flesh them out a bit more.
  2. Write the problem as a problem (not the solution).
  3. And just like when you apply the Demartini Method and you’re heart opens when you hit something meaningful, the same thing will happen here too.

If we focus on asking the perfect question/s so that they tackle the perfect problems for our business, mission and life, we create multiple layers of purpose and direction in our business.

So, for example, Maximum Growth, which I founded in 2020 was created because leadership can be a lonely journey, there is a disconnection in relationships with self, family, business, because of a lack of education in how the mind works. There is uncertainty in how to apply and integrate the Demartini Method and universal principles in everyday life.

And one which makes me a little teary is so many people are not living up to the light that is within them (oh you feel that one don’t you).

These perfect problems create the purpose of why you do what you do. It helps to put any first (or 50th) event flop into perspective and focus on solving the bigger problem at hand.

Because remember, your purpose is the driving force of your business.

And let’s face it, you can work out how to read a profit and loss statement along the way.

So what perfect problem/s would you love to dedicate your life to?

With deep pondering thoughts,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

PS. Come join the Maximum Growth Academy for your opportunity to learn and apply quality questions every week.



Bear with me, this review is a little longer than normal as it’s our entire 70,000 years. This book is for anyone who wants to know who we are and where we have come from.

Harari starts off the book beautifully by stating that 13.5 billion years ago, matter, energy, time and space came into being (AKA the big bang) which is the story of physics. 300,000 years later complex structures called atoms, molecules happened and their interactions which is the story of chemistry. Then 3.8 billion years ago a planet called earth, certain molecules combined to form particular organisms which is the story of biology. 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to the species called Homo Sapiens started to form elaborate structures called cultures. The development of these cultures is called history. Our history has had the Cognitive Revolution (70,000 years ago), the Agricultural Revolution (12,000 years ago) and the Scientific Revolution (500 years ago). This book tells the story of the constant evolutions of man.

Compared with other animals’, humans are born prematurely as their vital systems are still underdeveloped. A kitten forages on its own a few weeks after birth. A colt can trot shortly after birth. Humans babies are helpless, dependent for many years on their elders for sustenance, protection and education.

This fact means humans have had to form an extraordinary social ability. Lone mothers could hardly gather enough food for their offspring hence consequently rely on other family members and neighbors to raise their children. As you have heard before, it takes a tribe to raise a human. Evolution has favored those forming strong social ties for survival.

Human are easily molded. Harari described humans like molten glass from a furnace. They can be spun, stretched and shaped with a surprising degree of freedom. This is why today we can educate our children to become Christian or Buddhist, capitalist or socialist, career focused or family orientated.

Tools were used in early years for food. You never approached a pride of lions eating its prey. When they were done you would dare not go near the hyenas and jackals as the scavenge for leftovers. Only then would you approach the carcass, look carefully left and right and eat the edible remains. You’re also left with the bones. Using tools like stones to break open the bones and eat the marrow, a highly nutritious part of the carcass. Num num num.

Homo’s position on the food chain was generally in the middle. They hunted for smaller creatures and were hunted by larger predators. There were 6 types of Homo’s, Homo Sapiens (that’s us) outplayed, outsmarted and outlasted the others 400,000 years ago as some species of man started to hunt larger game using strategies like team work to out maneuver them. Thus, hunting larger game on a regular basis. Only in the last 100,000 years with the rise of Homo Sapiens that man has jumped to the top of the food chain.

Before the Cognitive revolution there was the Foraging Revolution. The size of the average Sapiens brain has decreased since the age of foraging. Survival in that era required superb mental abilities from everyone. When agriculture and industry came along people could increasingly rely on the skills of others for survival, and new niches were opened up. Yes, our brain become smaller to adapt.

Foragers mastered not only the surrounding world of animals, plants and objects of their outer world but their inner world of their own bodies and senses for survival. They had to remember which of the 10,000 types of berries, plants, root and much more foods to eat and which to avoid. They were in tune with their surroundings, listened to the slighted movement in the grass and hear a snake in the bush.

Forgers secret to success and a longer life expectancy which protected them from malnutrition and starvation was their varied diet. During the Agricultural Revolution, farmers tend to eat the crop they grew. So, if they harvest rice, potato or wheat the family would live off that one and only food source which lacked essential nutrition. Ancient foragers ate dozens of different foodstuffs, maybe berries and mushroom in the morning and rabbit and wild onion in the evening. Tomorrow’s menu would be different.

The appearance of new ways of thinking and communicating between 70,000 and 300,00 years ago constituted the Cognitive Revolution. What caused it? They are not sure. Perhaps an accidental genetic mutation changed the inner wiring of the Sapiens brain enabling them to think in unpredictable ways and communicate using an altogether new type of language.

I love that; this mutation could have happened in Homo Neanderthals or Homo Erectus, but it didn’t. It was by pure chance. We are here by pure evolutionary chance. It’s more important to understand the importance of the genetic mutation than the cause. What was most surprising about the special language was it enabled us to conquer the world.

In conquering the world, we invented stories to tell one another. There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws and justice outside of the human imagination. So, if this is all created by our imagination and actions, what could you create in your own life? Imagine the possibilities.

Since the Cognitive Revolution, Sapiens have been living in a dual reality. One the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and corporations. As time went by the imagined reality become even more powerful, so that today the very survival of rivers, trees and lions depend on the grace of imagined entities such as the United States, Starbucks and Google. This shows we have evolved to create greater levels of influence and awareness to govern.

Now, most people know we are much like chimpanzees. And we are embarrassingly similar to chimpanzees on a one to one or ten to ten level. Significant difference occurs past 150 and when we reach 1000 – 2000 levels of Sapiens/Chimpanzees. If you tried to bunch 2000 chimpanzees into Time Square, there would be pandemonium. Imagine it. There would be fighting, power struggles, disorder. Bunch humans together in this same space and we are order seeking, creating patterns such as trade networks, mass celebrations and political institutions that never could be created in isolation. So, we are constantly looking for order in our own life and life around us. Maybe that’s why we rose above all other animals as the people or people with the most order rules. Then the person with the most order, rules too.

Now let’s move onto the Agricultural Revolution. Mortality was high. Babies weaned at an early age and were fed wheat because of the Agricultural age. Children lived more on porridge than mothers milk. There was competition for the porridge among siblings. Mortality levels rose. In the Agricultural societies, at least one in every three children died before the age of 20. Yet the increase in births still outpaced the increase in deaths.

Scholars once proclaimed that the Agricultural Revolution was a great leap forward in humanity. They told of a tale of progressed fueled by human brain power. Evolution gradually produced ever more intelligent humans. Eventually humans were so smart that they could decipher natures secret codes, enabling them to tame sheep and cultivate wheat. We moved from foraging to farming.

During the Agricultural Revolution, hunters may have caught and adopted a lamp, fattening it up for slaughter. At some stage, there become a greater number of lambs and they would slaughter the more aggressive lamps first. The more submissive, most appealing lamps were allowed to live longer and procreate. The result was a herd of domesticated and submissive sheep. Pigs had their snouts cut off so they could not smell or their eyes gauged out so they could not see where they were going to ensure they stayed with their owner.

As humans spread around the world, so did their domestic animals. Ten thousand years ago, not more than a few million sheep, cattle, goats, boars or chickens live. Today there is over a billion sheep, a billion pigs, a billion cattle, and more than 25 billion chickens. I think there are more chicken on the earth than other animals because no chicken is worshiped by any religion.

Agricultural Revolution made the future far more important. Humans started to think about life in seasons and crops, worrying about next year and the year after. Foragers discounted the future as they lived hand to mouth. A little like our factory workers today, working paycheck to paycheck, day to day, week to week.

They did not need to worry about what they could not control.

In the Agricultural Revolution future was more important than ever before. Famers must keep the future in mind. There were peaks in food availability at the end of harvest but famers were back planting within weeks. Concerns for the future was rooted not only in the seasonal cycle of production but also in the fundamental uncertainty of agriculture. Since most villages lived by cultivating a very limited variety of domesticated plants and animals, they were at the mercy of droughts, floods and pestilence. People began to worry about the future.

A natural order was a stable order. Believing in God created stability among the people. This was just an imagined order, and to keep this in place, continuous and strenuous efforts were imperative. The monetary system or Peugeot is a couple of examples of orders. You can see why the monetary system is, almost everyone believes in it.

Every level has something above governing it, the people have the local government, the local government have the state government, the state government have the federal government, they have other countries, the UN, the monetary system governing them. There is no way out of this imagined order.

Harari states that when we break down our prison walls and run towards freedom, we are in fact running into more spacious exercise yards of a bigger prison. Nothing is every missing, we always have freedom from that which we have power over and imprisonment or constraint from that which has power over us.

Let’s talk about the brain in relation to our evolution. It is limited to the amount of data it can store. Secondly, when a human dies, so does the information. Thirdly, we are wired to store and process only particular types of information. In our hunter and gather days we had to remember 1000’s of types of berries, shrubs, what made us well, and what made us ill. Also, we had to know social dynamics of the tribe. As we progressed, the Agricultural days saw us requiring, understanding, store and remember numbers. We didn’t need to know how many berries and roots we picked as a forager but we needed to know how many seeds we planted, how big our crop would grow, how much it would produce. Our brain adapted to understanding mathematics. Well, some of us are still trying to understand it now.

Then let’s think about today’s society. I wonder what computers, social media and texting are helping us to adapt to now?

As much as some things have evolved, some parts of our society are still evolving. In the past raping a woman who did not belong to a man was no classed as rape, like picking up a coin from a busy street was not classed as stealing. Raping your wife was an oxymoron, the man had full control of the woman’s sexuality. Saying a husband raped his wife was like saying a man stole from his own wallet. This thought wasn’t confined to ancient Middle East. In 2006, there were still fifty-six countries where men could not be prosecuted for the rape of his wife. This is because women in many countries are the property of the men, often the fathers, husbands and brothers.

Now let’s explore empires. Empires do not work according to Harari. In the long run, it is not possible to rule effectively over a large number of conquered people as empires are self-destructive and exploratory. Everyone has the right to self-determination and shouldn’t be the rule of another. Empires have been in rule for the last 2500 years. This is an example of the empowerment-disempowerment model.

Then, the destruction of an empire didn’t mean independence for the people. Instead, a new empire stepped into the vacuum created when the old one collapsed or retreated This is the balance of powers, a conservation of powers, it is like a baton being passed from one empires hand to another.

And then we come to the Industrial Revolution which was new ways to convert energy and to produce goods. Today, the earth is home to 7 billion sapiens. Global warming, rising oceans and widespread pollution could make the earth less hospitable to us and the future might consequently see a spiraling race between human power and human induced natural disasters.

Many call this process ‘the destruction of nature’ however I love how Harari states that “but it’s not really destruction, its change.” Nothing can ever be gained or lost, only transformed. We will learn to be more adaptable. Or we all die off and like with the dinosaur’s era, maybe intelligent rats or maybe cockroaches will rule the earth. Today we can thank the dinosaur killing asteroid for our existence.

Harari goes on to talk about happiness levels in humanity. As we know you can’t have happiness without sadness and all traits are conserved in and through time. What was interesting was that community seems to have an impact on our life experience more than money or health. We have the ability to create wealth but it leaves us more alone, we have access to an arsenal of modern medicine but our expectations of ease and pleasure, and our intolerance for inconvenience and discomfort have increase to such an extent that we suffer. Maybe that’s because when we seek easy, you get difficult.

So, what does the future hold for us according to Harari? What he shares is this; we have split the atom, we have travelled into outer space, we have grown a human ear on a rat, we have bionic body parts which are controlled by thoughts, we can map a human genome and create medicine to suit your DNA. The future is yet to be decided with what we do now.

Hugs and heart,


The Field

The Field

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to understand the interconnectedness that permeates the universe, bridging spirituality and science together.

McTaggart uncovers that the human mind and body are not separate but connected to a sea of light, sound and energy and that consciousness may be central in shaping our world at a quantum level. This connection is known as The Field.

Light in The Darkness
The overview effect is described in the first chapter. This was first experienced by Ed Mitchell, who was the 6th man to land on the moon and the first to experience a feeling of connectedness. He described it as if all the planets and all the people of all the time were attached by some invisible web. This was a majestic sight, seeing the earth as a floating spaceship surrounded by darkness, Ed wept at the sight.

Philosophers had talked about this connectedness. David Bohm’s vision of a world of ‘unbroken wholeness’ and implicate state.

Scientists at the time did not allow for this connectedness, except for in quantum world, in the very, very small world, in the world of the inanimate and non-living. Quantum physics had discovered a strange property in the subatomic world called ‘non-locality.’ This refers to the ability of a quantum entity such as an individual electron influenced another quantum particle instantaneously over any distance despite there being no exchange of force or energy. This suggested that when quantum particles have been in contact remain connected even when separated, so that the actions of one will always influence the other, no matter how far they are separated.

Albert Einstein coined this term ‘spooky action at a distance.’ Matter was no longer separate.

This connectedness brought in the idea of that the universe had a living consciousness. It suggested that the consciousness of the observer brought the observed object into being. Nothing in the universe existed as an actual ‘thing’ independently of our perception of it. Every minute, of every day, we are creating our world.

It leaves me to wonder is this the same that is happening to us with any person we have a connection with, that we were creating our world?

The Sea of Light
To understand this field first let’s look at it relative to people and start by asking the following question;
What are people made of? People are made of muscles, bones, and organs.
Then what are the organs made of? Organs are made of cells.
What are cells made of? Cells are made of organelles.
What are organelles made of? Organelles are made of proteins.
What are proteins made of? Proteins are made of amino acids.
What are amino acids made of? Amino acids are made of atoms.
What are atoms made of? Atoms are made of protons, neutron, and electrons.
What are electrons made of? Electrons are made from the electron field.

What is the electron field made of? …..

This is where we end eight levels down. This is the hard limit of our scientific understanding. To the best of our present ability to perceive and to reason, the universe is made from fields and nothing else and these fields are not made from any smaller components.

Within the field, there is an uncertainty principle developed by Werner Heisenberg who created quantum theory. This theory implies that no particle is ever at rest as it is constantly in motion due to a ground state field of energy constantly interacting with all subatomic matter. It means that the basic substructure of the universe cannot be eliminated and is always in motion.

Beings of Light
Fritz-Albert Popp was a philosopher as much as he was a scientist. He was fascinated with light. He tried to make sense of the world around him, to find solutions that he could apply to everything in life. He research was condemned by his colleagues for many years but he managed to stay driven and forge on through the setbacks. He was willing to embrace both pleasure and pain, not needing permission to live his mission.

In his time as a professor at university, Popp created a light machine, something to register the omission of light from cells. Plants for instant radiated 100 photons per square centimeter, whereas humans would emit 10 photons in the same area. When light was shone on living cells, the cell would take up the light and after a certain delay, shine intensely, a process called ‘delayed luminescence’. Popp believed this was a corrective device. The organism had to maintain a delicate equilibrium of light. In this instance, when it was being bombarded with too much light, it would reject the excess.

The human body is amazing. Every cell undergoes around 100,000 chemical reactions per second and simultaneously repeats itself around every cell in the body. At any given second, billions of chemical reactions are occurring. Imagine the timing of the body. If the timing was off, humans would blow themselves up. If everything is working together in a big orchestra, who is the conductor?

Seriously! Stop and think. Who is making your body work if we are creating everything in the world?

Popp studied the body and light rigorously. He had a woman sit in his lab every day for 9 months recording photon readings of a small area of her hand and forehead. What he discovered was light emissions followed a certain pattern at day 7, 14, 32, 80, and 270 days. They were identical even after a year. There was a natural biological rhythm of light in the body.

He wondered what kind of light would be present in an ill person. He tried his machine on a series of cancer patients. Every patient the client had lost their natural rhythm and coherence. The lines of internal communication were scrambled. They had lost their connect with the world. In effect, their light was going out.

Just the opposite occurred with Multiple Sclerosis. MS was a state of too much order. Individuals with this disease were taking in too much light and this was inhibiting of cells to do their job. Too much cooperative harmony prevented flexibility and individuality. MS patients were drowning in light.

Perfect cohesion is an optimum state just between chaos and order. The healthiest bodies would have the lowest amount of light.

Even food is the same. When tested, the healthiest food had the lowest and most coherent intensity of light. Any disturbance in the system would increase the production of photons. Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state where communication breaks down. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.

In one of the numerous cases, Popp came across a woman with breast and vaginal cancer. Popp tried mistletoe and other plant extracts on samples of her cancer. Each plant omitted different amount of light. He found one particular mistletoe remedy created a coherence in the tissue similar to that of the body. Within a year of treatment of mistletoe, all her laboratory tests were back to normal. A woman with terminal cancer had her proper light restored, just by taking a herb.

The Language of The Cell
Scientists in the 1980’s were discovering that through biophoton vibrations Popp had discovered in the body caused molecules to vibrate and create its own signature sound. A French Scientist had paused to listen to the tiny oscillations.

How beautiful is it to know that every molecule in your body is creating a sound then that is resonating with the universe? We are constantly broadcasting vibes.

In 1984, studies were being done on reactions of white blood cells to allergens. A lab assist reported to Jacquine Beveniste, A French scientist that there had been a reaction to the white blood count even though there had been too few allergens in the solution. On later investigation, it was discovered that the concentration of allergen in the water was diluted down to nothing and the reminisce of the allergen was still present, it seems that the water had a memory of the allergen even though it was no longer present.

How? In allergen tests, they are testing for anti IgE. Anti IgE was at its highest potency in 1 part to 1000. It started to decrease with each successful dilution. The experiment took a U-turn on the 9th dilution. There was an increase of anti IgE! It continued to increase the more it was diluted. Homeopathy has always claimed the weaker the solution, the more powerful the effect.

Specific information must be transmitting in dilution process. Water has a memory. If water has a memory and can imprint on other water molecules then this would have an impact on how our cells ‘talk’ to each other in our own bodies considering how much of our bodies are made up of water.

Later studies determined that water molecules did not only send signals but amplified it as well. There is a resonating world that is amplified by water within every cell in our body. Water is the universal solvent but it seems that it is the universal communicator too.

The Resonating World
In one of the paragraphs in this chapter left a mark on me. It described a Karl Pribram, a young neurosurgeon. He pondered for 20 years the mysteries surrounding the organization of the brain, perceptions and consciousness. He set up experiments and studied this consistently.

That’s profound. What do you ponder? What leaves you searching for answers, to solve mysteries so much that it
becomes your magnificent obsession? Perfect for this chapter to stop and think what is your resonation in this world?

The Creative Observer
Our universe was once believed to be a series of random event. The deeper science studies consciousness, the more is realized how ordered everything is on every scale. There is another halt to randomness when an observer is present. Studies show that an observer can settle an electron into a set state.

If an observer can influence at such a tiny state, then it leaves us to question, how much can an observer effect reality? How much can the mind influence matter?

It seems a lot.

Schmidt studied the role of the observer. In his research, a machine was created that either flipped heads or tails by a light rotating clockwise or anti clockwise. There are two variables, will it end up with heads or tails and will it rotate clockwise or anticlockwise. In a 12-year period of nearly 2.5 million trials, 52% of all trials and two thirds of the 91 operators had overall success in influencing the machine in the way they had intended it. 52% of people could influence a computer.

If that is not enough to prove its possible and probable that you are influencing your reality, scientist discovered it wasn’t only humans that could influence their world. A new born chick was given a robot as a mother. The robot mother was placed outside the cage of the chick and was programed to randomly walk around. Over time the path was tracked and the robot mother was found to go more times that statistically possible towards the chick. The desire of the ‘mother’s’ closeness was influencing the direction of the robot.

A similar study was done on baby rabbits where a bright light was placed in a moveable REG machine that the rabbits found repulsive. When the data was analysed it showed the rabbit were successful at willing the machine to stay away from them.

What about the people you know who despise or dislike computers. They seem to be the ones with the computer problems. They create challenges to validate their belief on computers and creating their reality.

Couples were tested to see if they produced a positive influence on the heads and tails machine. Couples who did not know each other had the worst outcome than what they achieved individually. ‘Bonded’ couples, those in an intimate relationship had the most profound effect and were 6 times as strong as that of a single operator. The power of a bonded two have a huge influence on their environment.

Studies showed that men were more likely to influence the results from single minded focus. Women were more likely to influence the results by setting the intention and focusing on something else. Perhaps this is an evolutionary effect. That leaves me to wonder what profound influence can you as a couple have on your reality? Or what about a group of people who are bonding together over a common goal?

This is showing that the unconscious mind has a way to communicate with the sub tangible physical world – the quantum world of possibility. This marriage of unformed mind and matter would then assemble itself into something tangible in the manifested world. Reality is then created by each of us only by our attention. We are creating the world.

Here is the spooky and interesting information to mull over. Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunne began playing around with time on their own REG trials. In 87,000 of their experiments, they asked their volunteers to address their attention to the machines operations anywhere from three days to two weeks after the machine had been allowed to run. Once they looked at the data, what they found was incredible. In every regard, this data was identical to the more conventional data they’d generated when their experiments were attempting to influence at the time the machine was being run. There was just one important difference. In the ‘time-displayed’ experiments the volunteers were getting bigger effects than in the standard experiments every time they’d will the machine to produce heads.

What this means is humans have the ability to influence moments other than the present. William Braud had an interesting thought. Time-displaced human intention somehow acts on the probabilities of some occurrences to bring about an outcome, and works best in what Braud liked to call “seed moments” the first chain of events. If you applied this to physical and mental health, it could mean that we could use The Field to directly influences ‘back in time’ to alter pivotal moments or initial conditions which later bloom into full blown problems or disease. In other words, the moment you go back and dissolve an emotional charge in the past, it changes your future.

We are starting to see that every moment influences every other moment, forward and backwards in time.

Tapping into The Field
Braud’s studies suggested that human intention could be used as an extraordinarily potent healing force. Allowing The Field to realign another person’s structure. Elizabeth Targ was a Psychiatrist and had an interesting natural therapist and their influence on healing. She questioned if there was an effect on illness from remote healers.

In one study, they used highly regarded healers in their specialty who had one element in common; success in treating hopeless cases. They used 20 advanced AID’s patents who were terminal continued to use orthodox treatment, only one of the two groups would receive remote healing.

The group was split in two, 10 orthodox treatment and 10 orthodox & healers for treatment. Each healer was given each patients name, photograph and health details. Each participant had a total of 10 healers over the length of the study. They would never meet or have any contact with the patient. The healer kept a log of the healing session, their impressions of their health.

These patients were certain to die. But what she found blew her mind. These patients with end stage AID’s were getting better. During the six months of the trial period. 40 per cent of the control population died. But all 10 of the patients in the healing group were not only still alive but had become healthier based on their own reports and their medical evaluations. There was an inescapable conclusion; the treatment was working.

Later, more refined studies came to the same conclusions. No matter which type of healing they used, no matter their view of a higher being, the healer dramatically contributed to the physical and psychological wellbeing of their patients.

In the Copper Wall Project by another researcher, created a room purely made of copper that would block out electricity from any other sources. They did notice that during healing times, when the patient was in the room the experienced more than normal electrical surges while the person remained completely still. More studies done on Chinese Qigong masters have provided evidence of the presence of photon emission and electromagnetic fields during healing sessions. These surges of energy may be physical evidence of a healer’s greater coherence and his ability to marshal his own quantum energy and transfer it to the less organised recipient. So create order in the chaos.

It didn’t seem to matter the type of healing that was used, that appeared irrelevant. This might mean that the intention of the healer could be as important as his or her medicine. The frantic doctor who wishes his patient cancels so he could have his lunch, or the doctor that stayed up late three nights in a row or drank too much the night before may have a deleterious effect. It might mean that the most important treatment any doctor can give is to hope for health and wellbeing in his patient

Bringing us back to the beginning and understanding that we are connected.

Several studies of heart patients have shown that isolation – from oneself, one’s community and one’s spirituality – rather than physical conditions, such as high cholesterol count, is one of the greatest contributors to disease. In studies of longevity, those people who live longest are often not only those who believe in a higher spiritual being but also those who have the strongest sense of belonging to a community.

The Zero Point Age
Scientists are discovering a unified intelligence that was far greater and more exquisite than Darwin or Newton had imagined, a process that was not random and chaotic, but intelligent and purposeful. They discovered that in the dynamic flow of life, order triumphed.

There no longer be two truths, the truth of science and the truth of religion. There could be one unified vision of the world. We have far more power than we realize, to heal ourselves, our loved ones, and even our communities. Our life in every sense is in our hands. If all information from the cosmos flows through our pores at every moment, then our current notion of our human potential is only a glimmer of what it could be.

With gratitude,


Nothing Is Missing, What Are You Searching For?