Can I share a story with you?

I have a story to share. It’s not mine. And I don’t remember where I read it. But I wanted to share it with you as it might be your story.

M A M A ’ S M A M A ’ S

”Grandma, I’m tired. So tired of this life…”

“Take your tiredness, my child, and wrap it around yourself. Like a blanket in the cold winter months. Tiredness comes to make you a nest, to bring you to wear comfortable clothes, to make you sink into its warm embrace. I invite you to stay within yourself. Without strength, without thoughts, without actions. Like the snow that covers everything to soften the world, to make it muffled, to protect it from noise. Accept the flakes of your tiredness and let yourself be completely covered by them.”

“I could die buried under there…”

“You will be reborn instead. Like the seed in the ground. Do not resist your weariness, do not reject it with a thousand actions, a thousand intentions, a thousand feelings of guilt. It just wants to take you by the hand and lead you to sink into the void. Right there, where the source of every inner strength lies. They taught us to be strong by resisting. But it is in surrendering that the true heroes emerge.”

“I’m afraid, grandmother. What if fatigue will annihilate me?”

“My child, you are not afraid of tiredness but of losing control of yourself. The time has come for you to give yourself to life. And to generate together with it the most wonderful children: the fruits of your soul!”

~Elena Bernabè

Maybe time has come to give yourself to life.

Stop running from the things that are important and go live what’s meaningful to you regardless of what you think you should do but do what your heart is calling you to do.

Your soul will be set of fire.

And it will light the world.

What’s more important than that?

Warm fuzzy soulful hugs my friend,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

MIA – What I Learned In The Last Month

You may have noticed I have been MIA from your inbox the past four weeks.

Let me explain. . .

I came down with the flu after my sister’s wedding in March. It was rough on my body that I had to cancel clients.

There goes a week.

The following week, my daughter had gastro.

Just when you think it’s over, and after I’m starting to feel better from the flu, my daughter passes me a little gastro gift and I had my head in the toilet all night. Followed by a fever for 3 days straight, not much work happened.

There goes another week and a half.

My body was getting a belting.

I wasn’t even thinking of emotionally processing, it seemed more a survival response, just trying to get through the next day.

Late last week, when my mind was back in the game, I reflected on the past month and what I realised was that the body is an amazing healing machine. ​​

  • You breathe about 23-thousand times a day.

  • Your heart beats 100,000 times per day, pumping 5.5 litres per minute, which adds up to about 3 million litres of blood a year.

  • You spend 10 percent of the day blinking. 28.800 times a day to cleanse your eyes.

  • Your skin’s outer layer sheds every 2-4 weeks.

  • It is working behind the scenes to heal when you’re injured or ill.

Your body wants to heal. And it wants to stay alive.

And the power of the mind has the capacity to heal the body.

Taking a little wisdom from Schopenhauer, who stated “find freedom from suffering in any circumstance.” Be free in the mind. Creates freedom in your body.

So I found the blessings, looked at the benefits to my clients who I cancelled two or three times in a row. Looked at how it was serving my business to not do the administration tasks I have to get done.

It made me realise that I can love what I do, but I hadn’t been taking care of my health to the degree I could have been and that it was going to be a priority.

Fast forward to Sunday night after about 3 days of feeling spiritly again.

Ohhhhhh…. Myyyyyy…. Freakin’…. God….

I’d run 12km in preparation for the Power Walkshop in June that day. I didnt overly exert myself. In fact, I struggled more than I would normally.

That night my body was in pain. Oh so much pain. I’d wake up every 20 minutes.

It flashed me back to my fibromyalgia days in 2015 when I struggled with picking up a sweet potato and grating it. I’d be that exhausted and in pain, I’d have to go back to bed again.

The following morning I had a migraine. Again, another flash back to 2016 when I had a one metre fall straight onto my head and had fell on my head.

So I thought I’d go first thing in the morning and get a massage.

This helped, but still went home and slept.

That night, my temp started to rise, and by rise, it went to 39.5 celsius (or 103.1 fahrenheit) and by Tuesday morning, I thought I’d better check to see if I didn’t have C-O-V-I-D, and yes, it turns out I’m positive.

I didn’t have a reaction.

I felt like the past three weeks of being ill was a trial for this moment. And this was my exam.

Have you ever felt this way about life?

For me it was an opportunity to prioritize health, listen to my body, follow what it needed.

I switched straight on. I asked what are the symptoms informing me of, what are my lessons here, why now, and what do I have to do to take care of my body now – and in the future. The flashbacks gave me an opportunity to heal a part of my past that I hadn’t yet loved.

Illness is an opportunity to find love.

And where you love it, you’ll find light.

In light is where deep healing occurs.

Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place (and do the mindset work to heal yourself). That’s where the light enters you.” Rumi

What is your body saying to you? And are you listening?

With love and a lot of light flowing your way.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

Are you depriving yourself?

Are you depriving yourself?

Deprivation comes in different forms.

Maybe it’s not focusing on what you do have, instead, a constant focus on what you don’t have.

Maybe it’s not allowing yourself to feel “positive” emotions (because God forbid you were to be above equilibrium and come crashing down).

Or maybe it’s putting yourself in a dynamic with another couple when you like one “more than friends” and then depriving yourself of ‘love’ because you can’t be with them (that’s what we cleared in our Maximum Growth class this week).

Deprivation is real. And it costs.

Not just financially, but the light in your soul.

And that light is not as bright to shine your service to the world.

It’s lowering your value.

It’s minimising your magnificence.

It is critical to recognize when this self-deprivation state is happening for change to occur. As we know, awareness is the key to change.

Here are the 4 D’s of depreciation to help you become aware of these moments.

  • Disappointment: You set yourself up for disappointment and a sense of “you’re just not enough.” One client was depriving themselves of food because they’re afraid to put on weight. They had entangled in their mind that they would only deserve to be in a relationship if they were a particular size, and therefore unlovable any bigger, therefore living in the disappointment cycle of depreciation.

  • Devaluing: You minimise yourself relative to others and think “others get what they want, and not me.” One client deprived themselves of clients because they didn’t think they deserved to coach clients and devalued themselves relative to others, repelling clients away, spinning them into a devaluing cycle of depreciation.

  • Deflection: You’re not appreciating the things that you have in your life. Deflecting it (and all its juju away). A client deflected any compliments, any praise that came their way, and didn’t feel deserving of it. Instead, they are self-critical, and in a deflection cycle of depreciation.

  • Disowning: You’re not seeing the power that is within you to manifest and create what it is you say you want. The member of class this week chose to open their heart to someone who wasn’t available nor interested (got to look at people’s actions, not what they say and this guy wants a baby with someone else). Therefore, they’re disowning the power within them to create a new relationship they’d love and is in the disowning cycle of depreciation

So why do we have moments in this state? It’s not sexy, it’s not empowering, it’s not getting us where we would love to be, so why do we do it?

It’s a source of attachment.

Attachments are not a conscious choice, but an unwitting set-up that lands you in that old, familiar place where it feels familiar.

Deprivation is repeated in different aspects of life. Over the years you learn to tolerate it, come to expect it, and even, yes, I’m going to say, even prefer deprivation in some strange, familiar way, like a comfy blanket.

Over time, there becomes a tipping point at which you don’t want to do the same behaviour anymore. And when that happens, remember this:

Energy goes where your attention and focus flows.

Once you know what’s driving your self-deprivation actions, once you’ve become aware of when you’re in a self-deprivation state, once you have cleared your charges (come to Maximum Growth classes to get some maximum guidance), then put attention and focus on what you truly want.

Here’s to having more juju flow to you and through you,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Want a little pick me up around your meaning and purpose, to then help with getting what you want, then watch the replay of our hot session The Conversation here.

P.P.S. Feeling like you don’t want to be in this repeated self-deprivation cycle anymore and looking for a change? The Power Workshop was created to help people have a life reboot, to reconnect with your body, mind and soul, to believe in yourself and the power you have within to create an amazing life AND actually start doing it. To read more, click here.

I wanted to die

Can you hold a space for me to be real with you?

This is the rawest email I have ever written, so I want to thank you in advance for holding a space for me to share a moment in time of my inner world.

*deep breath*

My heart dances inside my chest as I sit cross-legged on the rocky edge of the cliff. I am alone, shivering, the cold dawn wind cutting my face. The night sky begins to break as the morning light peaks over the horizon. A few eager walkers are about, their shadows stroll by, but I hide behind some shrub out of sight.

I can imagine the waves roiling against the rocks far below, but I can’t see or even hear them. It’s a long way down. Here I am, quite literally, at the edge of a cliff, feeling my life is on a knife’s edge.

Maybe I should tie my ankles together with a rope and attach a brick – something heavy to weigh me down, sink me, so I am never found. I’m already weighed down, sunk in the heavy thoughts swirling in my head, drowning in my emotions, feeling all the painful experiences I had shut down and locked away. My emotions festered in the dark and silence, nameless and unknown, waiting to implode or maybe explode.

Only a few hours earlier I woke up, startled, after only an hour’s sleep. I felt a heaviness that I hadn’t felt in years. Black storm clouds hung over me. Wave of raw emotion came flooding over me the moment I tried to process how I was feeling. A flash of an insight, then pounded with another wave.

This is how we evolve: we arrive at a new level of understanding and then we get new shit to work on: the next emotional charge, the next challenge, the next piece of chaos. The cycle never ends. It’s like there is a deeper problem that the process is not addressing, and I don’t know what it is.

Thoughts continue to rumble in my head, louder and louder, becoming stronger and stronger. How can I be so stuck, considering I’m a counsellor? I help others get unstuck and yet I can’t unstick myself? I can’t fix the crap in my life on my own but the thought of asking for help doesn’t even cross my mind. I feel totally overwhelmed and out of my depth. I’m drowning in my inner world.

I couldn’t take it anymore so I began driving slowly in the still of the night. There is something very serene about driving at night. There is a calmness, a peace that isn’t found during the hustle and bustle of daylight. It was like I was in the eye of the storm.

My car parked against the curb, unlocked and the windows rolled down. I walked away from my car for the last time toward the high fence. There are warning signs all the way along it declaring: “Dangerous Cliffs”. I climbed the fence and now here I am, on the wrong side, with an uninterrupted view for my last sunrise here on earth. Staring out at the vast ocean, the night rain has pooled into the crevasse in the rocks below, reflecting the dawn sky. The sun started to peek above the horizon, a beautiful luminous gold ball glowing with warmth.

“Tanya, just watch the sunrise then jump. It will all be over soon.” I whisper to myself.

I flip my phone around to photograph myself. Not the ideal selfie you’d want to post on Instagram. There’s no make-up or glamour. Nor is there a desire to take twenty more shots to get just the right one.

I look at the picture and I don’t recognise myself. My eyes are dark, like a storm has rolled in. The whites of my eyes are fiery red. There are bags under my eyes from almost no sleep over the past few days. I look drained of life, lifeless.

Weeks ago I was faced with an irreversibly, life-changing fork in the road. My decision went against everything I believed in, what I was dreaming of, and what I had gone through so much for. All for somebody else. I didn’t listen to myself. Hell, I couldn’t even hear myself. I couldn’t even feel myself or sense what I might have wanted. I was so clouded by confusion that someone else’s certainty ruled my life.

That decision triggered a heap of repressed emotions to cascade down on me like a ton of bricks. Now, I find myself here, nursing immense pain and an overwhelming sense of nothing……



“You’re nothing, Tanya. You’re taking up too much space just breathing.”

Tears flow like a river down my face. There seems to be no off button for them or my thoughts. They just keep rolling in. The sun begins to burst over the horizon. Everything I know is out the window. I didn’t have any other answer but to stand on the cliff’s edge. And jump.


Yes, this was me at one point of my life.

You’d think it was pre knowing “the work” but it might shock you to say it was in 2015.

I’d gone through some huge life challenges and I felt that I had lost my power and my purpose. I felt very alone. I didn’t see a point in life. And didn’t want to be here.

Fast forward to now, I’m here, and grateful to a small handful of people who wrapped me up and helped put me back together again.

As part of the transformation, I walked 1000km through Spain. It was a soulful journey walking and talking with people about life, love and the meaning of our existence.

It was what helped me come back into the world to feel more connected, aligned, integrated than ever before and I am incredibly grateful for that time.

It inspired me to create a Walkshop where you get a deep transformation, where I can take care of you, guide you through your own lessons in life to awaken a deeper power and purpose within you.

One of my favorite lessons you’ll learn is that the universe is inside you. You’ll sit and watch the sunrise and own what you admire and despise about the universe and awaken it within you. When you have the humbleness to divinity, you create certainty in humanity (and the impact you want to make in the world).

Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

You don’t have to have your life falling apart to join this group, just an internal voice knowing you want to do more with your life than you currently are right now. Maybe you have your own healing of your body, your intimate relationship, your career and would love more power and purpose.

My promise to you is that you’ll have 5 days of tears, goosebumps, insights and deeply profound transformation.

So if you have an intuition to come to the Walkshop, you can check out the details here.

We can walk, talk and transform together.

With love and light,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Thank you for holding the space for me to share a dark time of my life. Please reach out if you ever feel this way, and I will help hold the light for you.

What a surprise!

What does the race to space have to teach you about your business?

Oh, it’s a beautiful lesson. Bear with me while I give you a little history lesson.

NASA, known as The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is responsible for unique scientific and technological achievements in human spaceflight, aeronautics, space science, and space applications that have had widespread impacts on our nation and the world.

What you might not know is, this organization was forged in response to early Soviet space achievements in space.

After World War II drew to a close in the mid-20th century, a new conflict began (there is the transformation peeps). Known as the Cold War, this battle pitted the world’s two great powers–the democratic, capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union–against each other.

Beginning in the late 1950s, the war into space would become another dramatic arena for this competition. Both countries’ focus was being the first country to plant their flag on the moon.

On October 4, 1957, a Soviet R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile launched Sputnik (Russian for “traveler”), the world’s first artificial satellite and the first man-made object to be placed into the Earth’s orbit.

Sputnik’s launch came as a surprise, and not a pleasant but painful one, to most Americans.

NASA had a challenge, and Russia had a challenger (pardon the pun).

Game on! The race to the moon has begun.

But it wasn’t easy. No one had done it before. No one had even attempted to do it before.

It was a new paradigm of thinking, of being, of doing that hadn’t been done before.

There were lots of problems to solve:

  • How do you get a man up into space?

  • How will they survive in space?

  • What will they eat in space and how will they manage to eat warm food?

  • How do you get them safely back to land?

  • How do you do it without losing life?

Trying to solve these problems was where NASA pioneered technology that facilitated space travel as well as changed our everyday life. They invented things like the microwave, dust busters, polymers for fire fighting, wireless headset, CAT scans, baby formula, air purifier, memory phone, infrared ear thermometer and a computer mouse (not that anyone uses one of those anymore, right ?)

Their will and why to achieve their mission was bigger than the lots of little problems to solve.

And solve problems they did, and were the first country to land man on the moon. Pretty amazing achievement.

But since then, there has been little progress in space exploration. Until recently.

Elon Musk has vowed to make space travel efficient, cost far less and be safe for the everyday people.

This has rustled up interest from Jeff Bezos and Richard Brandson to do the same.

Competition creates innovation and progress (dam right it does!).

Now partnership is happening to create progress too. Russia is joining China as one thing they all have in common is that, this time around, the goal is to build the necessary infrastructure that will allow for a long-term human presence.

Maybe NASA can partner with the Australian Research for Space Exploration (AKA ARSE – clearly didn’t think that one through!).

OK, maybe that won’t happen, but you have to throw ideas out there and see if it’ll be a fit.

Now let’s get to YOU.

You own a business (or you want to in the future).

You have competition. Perhaps you have one big problem to solve or you have to create something that hasn’t been done before.

Firstly, embrace the competition. There are plenty of other people out there who do what you do, if that is a coach, a business owner, marketing, personal training, or a health practitioner.

BUT, no one can compete with you.

So go do you. And do you well.

See the competition as a way to solve more problems, to level up, to push you (when you need a little kick), use it as fuel to your fire.

THEN consider collaboration (see if it is perfect for you).

Because sometimes joining forces with someone else can help you level up in your business.

Remember collaboration takes in different forms, it can be someone you share the load of business with and share the profiles OR it can be a coach, like me, who is on your team (like a board of directors, I’m your mindset coach, running beside you to help you achieve greater income, greater influence and greater impact.)

So thanks NASA, Russia and the race to space for being the greatest teacher in the power of competition and collaboration.

Thanks for reading to the end, I love you to the moon and back.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Need someone to be on your team for your business goals? Come join Business Membership to level up in your income, influence and impact here.

Manifest like a MotherF**ker

Oh my god, is it ok to say motherf**ker in an email these days?

Who cares?!? We are throwing out PCs and we are going for real in 2022. #keepingitreal

Countless business owners are working so hard right now (trying to increase their income, grow a following, post on social media, sell a service, start a podcast…you name it!) and making themselves MISERABLE because they are focusing on making MONEY and it’s costing them their PRECIOUS TIME!

They are focused on the active DOING rather than the passing BEING to achieve their goals.

The DOING is the mode most of us are in most of the time. It’s where we strive for the attainment of goals, such as increasing our database, making more sales calls, or getting a new product to launch.

DOING is helpful to make you feel like you are moving forward, however it can lead to problems if you become stuck in “doing” in your business.

Because some of the doing might not be the wisest use of your time and taking you to your ultimate goal (ie, feel good tasks we talked about in the Newsletter two weeks ago).

Then there is “being” which is not designed to work towards achievement of any particular goal. It is a state of appreciating what is, without feeling the need to change it.

In “being” we are aware of what is happening in the present moment.

Your “being” might come in the form of self reflection, journaling, mediating, having a cup of tea as you look out your window.

The idea of “being” gets you out of your constant stream of thoughts, actively chasing your goals, and more in touch with what is happening in your inner world.

It allows you to be present in your life rather than miss life as we are thinking of something else.

So what drives people to be so active in “doing?”

Hands up if you wanna know the answer (me, me, me!).

I’ve contemplated this after having worked with clients who are driven to achieve some big results.

And here is what I have learned.

That they don’t have 100% certainty and belief they’ll do it. So they work like a mofo to get there. Scared that if they stopped working, how will the world perceive them? Lazy. greedy, staff think they do all the hard work and they just get the money – how selfish).

When you have trust in the goals you set, when you see it as done, you still work to get the results, but the “doing” integrates with the “being.

You might call this the state of flow. Where work is effortless, you’re so present with what you are doing that you don’t notice time.

So how do you set your goals so that you believe in them and see them as completed?

Manifest like a MotherF**ker.

See manifesting like the turbocharge in your car. You already set the direction, you get in the car of your choice (oh-so–sexy Maserati please!), and manifesting is what gives the goal a lifeform of its own.

Got to hand it to Dr Demartini for creating the Manifestation Formula which is action steps to transform your goals into action and tangible reality. Here is a review of the process;

Purpose +

Thought +

Vision +

Affirmation +

Feeling +

Writing in space and time +

Persistence action with energy on matter +

Thankfulness +

Deserving +

Manifesting +

Know your purpose (vision statement being doing having) +

Think about what you would love +

Visualize what you would love +

Affirm what you would love +

Write what you would love +

Act what you would love +

Energies what you would love +

Materialize what you would love +

Be thankful for what you would love +

Be deserving of what you would love


So writing your goals ain’t as simple as writing them. There is more to it than that. (Wanna do this process for real, then join our Business Membership as we deep dive into this one mid March).

Now, this comes as we hit week 10 of the new year (say what!).

In a 2021 study in 2021 of 180 people, 64% abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a month, study finds. So don’t let the goals you set be a distant memory in the past. Nor let the frantic doing take over.

Review your goals, reflect on the Manifestation Formula. And join us in the Business class with me as I walk you through the steps, and you get the time to apply it in your business with other business owners like you.

Curious, what step in the Manifestation Formula can you do to make your goal come to fruition?

And share your major goal with me. I’d love to help you achieve it.

With love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Want a little pick me up around your telos, meaning and purpose, to then help with your manifestation mastery, watch the replay of our hot session The Conversation here.

Top 4 actions that lead to failure

“All passenger trains in Sydney scheduled for Monday have been cancelled due to a dispute between the NSW Government and drivers.”

One sentence, one decision that changed a city {first_name}.

Thousands of commuters have been unable to use the train service after rail passenger services were suspended in the early hours of Monday morning this week.

New South Wales Transport (AKA the Government) said they canceled services after negotiations with the Rail, Tram and Bus Union broke down over the weekend and as a result they could not safely operate train services.

You see, there had been an agreement made on Saturday night between the Government and Union but the Union did not show to sign the agreement on Sunday night, essentially stonewalling the agreement.

Stonewalling is common in business and relationships.

I’m working with a couple with children, who currently are stonewalling each other. They have major financial problems in the relationship. One wants to spend on the kids, one wants to save for a future investment for the family. They are not talking about their finances, not getting on the same page.

Rather than confronting the issue, they are stonewalling with being unresponsive (or speaking to others about their frustration and not to each other), tuning out, turning away, acting busy or saying “we will talk about it later.”

It takes time for this behaviour to wear someone down. First time with a no it is ok, second, you understand, third, you begin to question, fourth brings up frustration. Fifth and you’re fuming.

So, the individual begins to stonewall, you begin to feel physiologically flooded, which has a number of indicators: increased heart rate, the release of stress hormones into the bloodstream, and even a fight, flight or fright response.

When that happens, it is impossible to continue discussing the issue at hand in a rational way; you’re simply too physiologically agitated to do so and your irrational mind is running you.

So why does someone get to a point of shutting the door and not wanting to communicate?

It is what Dr John Gottman from the Gottman Institute has discovered from interviewing over 3,000 marriages that there are 4 telling signs your marriage is, with 93.6% accuracy, on the way out.

It’s criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling called the Four Horsemen.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a metaphor depicting the end of times in the New Testament. They describe conquest, war, hunger, and death respectively. This metaphor is used to describe communication styles that, according to Dr Gottman’s crazy amount of research on couples, can predict the end of a relationship.

The first three horsemen are what become overwhelming enough that stonewalling becomes an understandable “out” from the situation.

Here is the kicker, when you do it enough times, it forms a habit and then the relationship breaks down even more as you aren’t even communicating anymore.

Let’s face it, this isn’t just in intimate relationships. It happens in families, friendships, and business.

In fact, it happens in ALL relationships.

As a coach I’m big into the problem underneath the problem.

Stonewalling is the last of the Four Horsemen, and is a result of criticism, contempt, defensiveness.

Therefore, we require working on clearing the charges around these 3 actions to reduce the lack of communication and increase the abundance of love instead.

So if you want to create a long-term relationship with anyone, in business or intimacy, come to class and dissolve your emotional charges around criticism, contempt and defensiveness. Set yourself up for fulfilling and lasting communication with yourself and those around you.

With warm fuzzy hugs,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from coming to class to level up in mindset or business, then share this email with them or this link to learn more about group coaching.

Untruths slay the soul

Permission to be really polarized in this.

Untruths slay the soul.

The story you tell yourself, that has been running you, slays the soul.

In Maximum Growth group coaching classes, I often say I like to hear your story to provide a level of context for your experience. It helps me get a little into your current perspective.

So then instead of me projecting what I think is going on, I see, feel and hear it from you.

But let’s deep dive into a story.

All stories have a nightmare / fantasy dynamic, you usually consciously share the nightmare and withhold the fantasy.

Each time you share, you’re blind to the other side of what happens, you’re blind to your own co-creation. You separate the mind, and as a result, slay the soul (ouch).

That was me 2 months ago. Oh the stories I was telling myself about my family, myself as a parent, my relationship, where I was in life. It was a catastrophic soul slay!

My mum had revealed to me on a recent trip that she felt hurt each time I went to see my biological mum. I remember feeling their hurt and deciding not to see my mum again (I didn’t see her from 9 until 16).

I began to build this resentment towards my mum, “how could she not just put her own feelings aside as a parent, as an adult.”

This then started to snowball with all these other moments throughout my childhood and adolescence where I perceived she had put her needs before mine.

This snowball didn’t stop. It turned into an avalanche.

And I couldn’t seem to stop myself from being angry. Bitter towards her as a parent. The byproduct was self-righteousness towards my own parenting style.

I started to notice that the light within me was fading. And fading fast.

I no longer felt connected to myself, my work, my energy was dropping, my body started showing symptoms in the form of a sore throat (thank you very much body).

Then one day, seeing my daughter, and noticing that the pride within me was impacting our relationship dynamic, I made a decision that I would look at my relationship with my Mum differently, to help my long-term relationship with my daughter. In turn, would also help me with my relationship with myself.

I realized that being connected to my daughter and my own soul was way more important than holding onto this story.

So I got to work in the way I know delivered deep transformation and healing. I applied the Demartini Method.

I wanted to take accountability for my co-creating in my childhood. And that no one is responsible for me, other than myself. My mum might have made the decision to leave but I also wanted her to leave too. I also chose not to see her for all those years and I could have, if I wanted to, chosen something different.

What I discovered was the depths of connection I found within myself, with an abundance of solitude at home, going deep into my own mind.

I did weird things when I was home on the holidays and on my own. I would build these incredible pyramid towers of cards and I would focus on this for hours with packs of cards and build it up to 9 levels high and an arm span wide (weirdo right?!). The concentration, persistence and dedication to the outcome has definitely helped me in my work, to be in the zone and not get distracted.

I became closer with my mum that raised me, and raised me is the best way to describe her parenting. She wanted me and was fighting to keep me close. She lifted me to have a higher purpose, a spiritual path that I know for certain I would not have discovered in the presence of my birth mum (very different values you see).

You see, after doing the work there is a new story. It’s inspiring to share, it’s energizing to think about.

After doing the work it is as if someone switched the light back on, and I am all in with my business, I feel more present with Bonnie, I am able to focus (my executive centre is firing peeps).

Tim Cahill, an adventurer and writer, says “I put my life on the line to save my soul.”

And this is so true. What kind of life are we living if we are not connected to the light within us? What kind of live are we living if we are playing small on the impact we know we can have on humanity or another human being?

That’s our purpose, to discover our light, and then shine it on the world.

How connected are you with your light right now? Do you feel you could be shining brighter? ?

So, if you want to master your life and your light, then you have to be congruent with your stories. That’s the truth.

Because damn, there is nothing more nourishing than a soulful connection with yourself.

If you’re struggling with a soulful connection or you want to have more personal power and professional purpose, then consider our Power Walkshop, where you’ll experience 5 powerful days discovering the power of presence, the power of the mind, the body, nature and the universe within you. I promise it will be life-changing 5 days.

To join the mailing list to get the early bird offer, click here.

With love and light illuminating you,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. If you’re not connected, come join class, it’s a small investment for a massive return to your light within you.

This will blow your mind

Did you know when a percentage can be calculated in reverse?


1% of 100 = 1%
Or you can do it this way
100% of 1 = 1

Ok, so let’s try that again.

25% of 50 = 12.5%
Or you can do it this way
50% of 25 = 12.5

And again.

20% of 200 = 40%
Or you can do it this way
200% of 20 = 40

Interesting hey?!

So let’s talk about problem solving.

What if there’s another pathway that’s a more efficient and effective way to solve the problem?

  • Maybe you’re unaware another road even exists (like calculating %’s in reverse ????)
  • Maybe you’re aware but don’t like the road (insert every excuse under the sun not to do maths.
  • Maybe you value maths and you can’t wait to try this on random numbers (freak- but I love you ????)
  • Maybe you don’t like maths, you scrolled the calculation without really understanding or reading them and said “I don’t understand maths” (AKA “it’s too difficult”)

If the latter is the case, you can do one of three things.

  1. Do nothing, sit and stare at the calculation secretly hoping it will solve itself
  2. Seek ease by getting a calculator to do the work
  3. Avoid doing the work

What all three points have in common is not doing the work that it takes to find the solution.

Each perceives the work is too hard or not worth the time and energy to solve the problem or to know the answer.

Now think of this relative to business problems.

Problems like a lack of clients, trouble scaling your business or difficulties in your personal life affecting business.

Maybe you’re doing it the hard way to find a solution?

A little insight into my inner world as an avid problem solver – it’s such an interesting and inspiring process and the outcome changes the fabric of the way you view everything.

This is because you make connections that spark a cascade of ideas and thoughts that give you a greater awareness (see another road).

You move out of an individualist focus to see the great whole of yourself and your life.

So when a client says “I’m doing more of this and less of that as a result of solving (insert problem)” or “I now know it’s possible to (insert solution)” brings tears to my eyes.

So, can I whisper the secret to more efficient and effective problem solving in your business and life?

You have to value the process and/or a value on the solution itself.

Sometimes we need someone to point out our blind spots or show us a new pathway that we were unaware of to know there is a more efficient and effective way to the outcome we seek.

That is essentially what coaching is for, to show you a new pathway (or road or highway) to get you leveling up in business and heck, in life also.

Hope to see you in class soon.



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Keen to join MG Class, click on the link here for more details.

Pst… here is the secret to success

Many people say that the key to success in business is to find your strengths, focus on them, and ignore everything else.

This can also mean knowing your values, and living in your values, and delegating out the rest.

But there are downsides with this mentality.

Although it sounds like a plan and may work to some extent, in my experience, it does not fit the dynamic and complex nature of owning a business.

I’d even go so far as to suggest that focusing on your weaknesses is the fastest way to reach your goals.

I was working with a client last week who is on track to selling their business for triple figure millions.

As their coach I’m not going to praise them for the things they did well, for their strengths.

I will, however, point out the things they can work on, that they are not doing well at, and even avoid altogether.

You see, my client (and I know you do too) understood something that most people don’t, and that it’s not your strengths that will make you stronger.

It’s strengthening your weakness.

I’d seen this week that each week he was avoiding certain tasks that would lead him to the sale of his business, he was doing what was comfortable, not what would generate income or raise the value of the business.

Once he noticed this week he was waaaayyy more productive. He leaned into hard tasks, and did them first.

Then he’d find the next weakest, most uncomfortable task and work on it (a do it now kind of attitude).

And it was this approach that he’ll be taking the daily steps, that over time will compound to achieve his result.

The amazing thing is about these weaknesses, you don’t have to be the one to figure out how to fix it. Instead, it’s about asking WHO can fix this for me (got to love delegating).

So what’s your weakness in business?

And how can Maximum Growth help you with your weaknesses in business?

Whispering secrets in your ear,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

Nothing Is Missing, What Are You Searching For?