Manifest like a MotherF**ker

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Oh my god, is it ok to say motherf**ker in an email these days?

Who cares?!? We are throwing out PCs and we are going for real in 2022. #keepingitreal

Countless business owners are working so hard right now (trying to increase their income, grow a following, post on social media, sell a service, start a podcast…you name it!) and making themselves MISERABLE because they are focusing on making MONEY and it’s costing them their PRECIOUS TIME!

They are focused on the active DOING rather than the passing BEING to achieve their goals.

The DOING is the mode most of us are in most of the time. It’s where we strive for the attainment of goals, such as increasing our database, making more sales calls, or getting a new product to launch.

DOING is helpful to make you feel like you are moving forward, however it can lead to problems if you become stuck in “doing” in your business.

Because some of the doing might not be the wisest use of your time and taking you to your ultimate goal (ie, feel good tasks we talked about in the Newsletter two weeks ago).

Then there is “being” which is not designed to work towards achievement of any particular goal. It is a state of appreciating what is, without feeling the need to change it.

In “being” we are aware of what is happening in the present moment.

Your “being” might come in the form of self reflection, journaling, mediating, having a cup of tea as you look out your window.

The idea of “being” gets you out of your constant stream of thoughts, actively chasing your goals, and more in touch with what is happening in your inner world.

It allows you to be present in your life rather than miss life as we are thinking of something else.

So what drives people to be so active in “doing?”

Hands up if you wanna know the answer (me, me, me!).

I’ve contemplated this after having worked with clients who are driven to achieve some big results.

And here is what I have learned.

That they don’t have 100% certainty and belief they’ll do it. So they work like a mofo to get there. Scared that if they stopped working, how will the world perceive them? Lazy. greedy, staff think they do all the hard work and they just get the money – how selfish).

When you have trust in the goals you set, when you see it as done, you still work to get the results, but the “doing” integrates with the “being.

You might call this the state of flow. Where work is effortless, you’re so present with what you are doing that you don’t notice time.

So how do you set your goals so that you believe in them and see them as completed?

Manifest like a MotherF**ker.

See manifesting like the turbocharge in your car. You already set the direction, you get in the car of your choice (oh-so–sexy Maserati please!), and manifesting is what gives the goal a lifeform of its own.

Got to hand it to Dr Demartini for creating the Manifestation Formula which is action steps to transform your goals into action and tangible reality. Here is a review of the process;

Purpose +

Thought +

Vision +

Affirmation +

Feeling +

Writing in space and time +

Persistence action with energy on matter +

Thankfulness +

Deserving +

Manifesting +

Know your purpose (vision statement being doing having) +

Think about what you would love +

Visualize what you would love +

Affirm what you would love +

Write what you would love +

Act what you would love +

Energies what you would love +

Materialize what you would love +

Be thankful for what you would love +

Be deserving of what you would love


So writing your goals ain’t as simple as writing them. There is more to it than that. (Wanna do this process for real, then join our Business Membership as we deep dive into this one mid March).

Now, this comes as we hit week 10 of the new year (say what!).

In a 2021 study in 2021 of 180 people, 64% abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a month, study finds. So don’t let the goals you set be a distant memory in the past. Nor let the frantic doing take over.

Review your goals, reflect on the Manifestation Formula. And join us in the Business class with me as I walk you through the steps, and you get the time to apply it in your business with other business owners like you.

Curious, what step in the Manifestation Formula can you do to make your goal come to fruition?

And share your major goal with me. I’d love to help you achieve it.

With love,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

P.S. Want a little pick me up around your telos, meaning and purpose, to then help with your manifestation mastery, watch the replay of our hot session The Conversation here.
