Unveiling the Complexity of Human Behavior: The Power of Multiple Determinants

Understanding human behaviour is fascinating.  When you go down the rabbit hole of the mind and people, you’ll find that there is a myriad of factors that influence it.  There is one principle in psychology that I wanted to share with you that might help you to understand yourself a little more. It is called multiple determinants, a concept that …

The silent business killer

This one is for the business owners and entrepreneurs of the group. But if you’re not one don’t be phased… There is some juice in this for you too Because this game-changing principle Is applicable to all relationships Fair exchange. I know, I know you have heard it before. But, It runs deeper than you may think. It isn’t just …

My Wisdom came at a cost.

My wisdom came at a cost.  I’ve been through: + parents divorcing  + not seeing my biological mother for most of my pre-teen & teen years  + all kinds of unwanted sexual experiences + divorce  + physical and mental abuse in a relationship  + eating disorders  + suicide attempts  + panic attacks  + death + so broke and getting food …

Everything around you was once an idea.

Wrap your mind around this… Everything around you was once an idea. Imagined in the mind’s eye of someone else. Or even imagined and created by you. Your phone, Your car, Your bed, The clothes you’re wearing, The home you live in… Even more powerfully, the life you are living.I remember when this hit me. I was staring at a …