Sharing my big news with you

Firstly, this is a long post and, just in case you were wondering, this post is sponsored by caffeine and my undying appreciation for writing. Being in the service business, we can sometimes get the balance out of whack. Running a service-oriented business often requires a delicate balance between doing what you love and delegating responsibilities to others. It is …

3 Signs You’re Depressed And Ignoring It

Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Even those who know universal principles and coach people, find themselves sliding down a slippery slope of depression and can’t seem to stop the fall.    There is clinical depression, which is intense and persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that interfere with daily functioning.   But …

This is hard

Relationships are some of the most fulfilling and meaningful aspects of life. They offer a shared life experience, a companion, and a sense of belonging. But despite the perceived positive benefits, relationships are not without their challenges.    The struggles people face in their relationships can impact our ability to work, focus, and make effective decisions. Knowing how to navigate …

This is no small feat

This week in Australia, a new airline, Bonza, launched.    It offers low-cost flights to some hidden regional and major capital cities.    As part of Bonza’s phased rollout of flight releases, you’re able to book flights to 12 destinations on 15 routes.   Shouldn’t we all jump up and down with excitement?   Ah… Sit back down.   No. …