Can I share something meaningful with you?

My heart felt like someone had ripped it out of my chest. I’ve got a spring in my step today. We have another Maximum Growth Transformation Day. This day is so inspiring. Why? Let me share with you. I was standing in my lounge room when the phone rang. It is Friday, 8:50am, on the 6th of February, 2009. I …

Master These 3 Skills To Grow Your Business

Imagine running your own business like playing the piano. You have to master many different keys at the same time.  However, you can’t hit all the keys at once, it would sound horrendous. But if you want to master your business, these three skills will help you play a beautiful tune. Challenge Yourself To Take Risks To level up in …

How focusing on your YOUniverse can change your life

The universe is your mind. It’s your YOUniverse. Thales believed that “the universe is alive and full of spirits.” That makes me a little goosebumpy. Aristotle said “some say a soul is mingled in the whole universe”, which is perhaps why Thales thought that everything is full of spirits. Everything is energy. When you go out into the YOUniverse with …