
Yeah, you put things off, more than you’d like. And your list piles up on top of you.  Your reaction: go make another cup of tea and watch the end of a TV Series (that you just started and have hours to go to get to the end). Let’s go make another cup of tea and watch the end of …

Have You Heard Of Peter Pan Syndrome?

Have you heard of Peter Pan Syndrome?   It’s when individuals struggle to mature emotionally and mentally in certain areas of their lives despite growing physically and chronologically.   Imagine an individual who excels in their career, perhaps growing a business or even climbing the corporate ladder.   On the surface, they appear successful, dedicated, and driven.   However, beneath …

This Concept Affects Your Life

“[Man] is always becoming a new being and undergoing a process of loss and reparation, which affects his soul as well. No man’s character, habits, opinions, desires, pleasures, pains, and fears remain the same; new ones come into existence, and old ones disappear.” Heraclitus   Oh, the wisdom in this one statement.   Human beings are never static.   Yes, …

Dare You Not To Do This

It’s hard to believe that four years have passed since I led the team at the Breakthrough Experience.   Looking back, I’m amazed at the journey we’ve all been on—investing in our own growth, building businesses, and navigating the complexities of life.   For me, this journey also involved raising a little one as a single mum, which added a …