Inspired is a dirty word

Hey {first_name},

(make sure you read to the end to find the surprise)

When people are uninspired, their mind becomes occupied with other things and they cannot find their A-game. They lack the get-up-and-go to make changes or even think of new ideas to spark a new path and new possibilities.

In the last 12 years as a leadership coach, counsellor and Demartini Method Facilitator, I’ve had many times I’ve lost my mojo, I put it somewhere and sure as hell couldn’t find it.

The first stage is, I didn’t even know it was missing. Then the next stage is a blinding flash of the obvious that comes into my mind. “I’m uninspired.”

We either berate ourselves (like this guy) or we push ourselves to become inspired again.

So, what do you do?

You could use some motivational quotes to get you through your week like a triple macchiato or this little kid can give you a pep talk (thank you very much).

Or you could give yourself an internal pep talk. Either way, it’s a short term fixing a bigger issue. And that bigger issue is this.

Are you ready for it? For the best results, consider this;

We’ve become very attached to the idea of inspiration as we have entangled it to mean success. If you don’t have that energy flowing through you, you’ve failed. It’s a dirty, great, big waste of life if you aren’t inspired by what you do.

Feeling what I am saying {first_name}?

And that attachment causes you suffering when you’re anything other than inspired.

Yes, let’s face it, you could be uninspired because you have to do low priority actions in business or you have challenging clients. Or perhaps you’re not making the impact or income you would love.

But tell me, have you ever pondered the downside of being inspired? I think not

Let me hit you up with some costs of inspiration. Your body’s ‘on’ and it is harder to sleep, less mental downtime to process, disconnection from the people around you because you’re laser-focused, not empowering other areas of life as the thing you’re focused on becomes the priority above all else, not to mention there is a fine line between inspired and wired, and something you aren’t sure where you are at.

On the other hand, there’s gold nuggets of wisdom to be uninspired, time to just be and rest, time for other areas of life, more present time with family, go back into learning mode, deeper thoughts on our human existence (yes, I have deep thoughts).

So if you are there right now, in that lull, in the hole, or just Numbflixing until the cows come home because you’re uninspired (and underneath all of this you would love things to change), maybe, just maybe, ask yourself “what is the downside of living an inspired life?”

And then just appreciate the ebbs and flows that come with business and life

No one I know is inspired all the time. That is why, at times, people come to me for coaching because they have lost their inspiration, struggling to love what they do like they used to.

You see, you have the idea, and at times require a little help to get the inspiration back online again.

Ain’t nothing wrong (or right) with that.

Now, besides being attached to the idea of inspiration, another kicker is that your vision is a little hazy. When you hit some kick-arse goals, and you’ve achieved what you set out to do, you can easily fall out of inspiration.

Continuing to set goals, creating new possibilities and stretching goals are vital to reinvigorate your inspiration once more, to get the juices flowing.


Tanya ‘keepin’ it real’ x
Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on One and Group Coaching Available

P.S. I wanted to share what brings on my mojo again. It’s my secret sauce. That is, learning new things, challenging myself, stretching my abilities, and applying the Demartini Method. I get bucket loads of inspiration and opens the doors to new possibilities. How about you?

P.S.S. I heard from many clients over the last few months about their concerns about Covid, the government, vaccinations, the military, and more of being controlled, forced and creating a lot of brain noise on the topics. Surprise! ​IF you’re open, ready and willing to work through your emotions on these issues, we are running a Conquer Covid Course in the coming weeks. Register your interest here.

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