In your wildest dreams

Dreams really do come true.


Of course, if you tell yourself they don’t, they won’t. 


So I’m kind of a Grinch. 


The whole consumer thing just feels so pointless to me. 


I don’t need presents. Unless they come in the form of life-changing education… or a plane ticket. 


And even then, I love to invest in those myself. 


Yes, I’m aware there’s a deep cosmogonic, mythical meaning to the holidays (no matter what religion, race or belief you are.) 


But honouring that doesn’t take decorations, a honey-glazed ham or glossy red ribbons. 


Or does it? Where do you fall on the spectrum? Would you feel some of the ‘magic’ disappear without the festive trimmings? Or is it enough to have the people you love around you and be grateful for the time you get with them?


It’s so hard to sell this idea of getting rich slowly. 


Especially when you’re competing with money-grab products that promise to “10x your income in 10 minutes a day.” (fibbers)

What does work for making dreams come true?


Here are the top three tips:

  1. Be specific, so you get exactly what you want, and not the universe playing funny jokes on you. 
  2. Consistency is key. No matter what it is, do the small steps that help make the big leaps.
  3. Revisit your dreams often. You can set and forget, but I find revisiting gives the dreams more energy and life. 
  4. And lastly, give yourself permission to dream. I have seen clients manifest multi million dollar deals, the relationship they pictured in their mind to exactly how their partner looks and behaves (talk about manifesting!), the ability to travel and earn at the same time. 


So, what is in your wildest dreams? And how can I help you to manifest them?


Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

P.S. – had a shower of power (which is totally a thing that I have been raving on about for years) the other day and the gem “Consistency is Key” floated into my head. Powerful little message. Steal it and pop it on your wall if you want. Worth affirming whenever you’re in a tight spot or facing a fork in the road.

P.P.S. If there happens to be something on your mind you’d love to work through before we walk into 2023, then come to the New Years’ Transformation classes.



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