What an adventure

Last weekend, Bonnie and I were gifted an adventure called Splash. Picture this: an industrial shed, decked out with gear like we were about to take on a paintball war. But instead of dodging bullets, we were diving into buckets of vibrant paint and balloons filled to the brim with colours. Frozen was blasting in the background, adding to the …

All that dies inside

I have been seeing an acupuncturist in the city for the last three weeks. She is the niece of the great-great-grandson of a type of Kung Fu. Can you imagine all that wisdom and knowledge being passed down from generation to generation? The depth of healing that would be shared on an intellectual and intuitive level would be incredible. The …

I’d never been so scared

I was so scared. I couldn’t sleep. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with my brain running a million miles an hour. I was more than scared. Making the leap. Into the unknown. But deep inside, I’d had a calling to change, but I didn’t want to hear it. I wasn’t ready. I resisted. I insisted, ‘No’, …

I haven’t done this in years

Picture this. A little kids whines “I’m bored”. Almost instinctively parent A jumps in to alleviate it. “Go do x, x or z”. It’s like we’re wired to give an instant solution. It’s so tempting to fill kids up with moment by moment activities, thinking we’re helping them – and helping our own sanity. But maybe. Just maybe we could lean into being bored.

What Would You Do?

Imagine this: you’re handed $10,000, no strings attached. What’s the first thing you do with it? Put it away for a rainy day? Invest in your education? Maybe you’d splurge on something you’ve been eyeing for a while or use it to pay off lingering bills?

Show me the money

Show me the money.  Oh I have your attention.  Speaking with a client this week, we talked about the ways in which people put growth ceilings on their wealth.  Which one are you?  One, two or three? Or a couple or a mix of all three? Let me paint you a picture of each. Struggles with attracting money If it …

I felt compelled

I saw this in my studies this week and it moved me that I felt compelled to share it with you.  ‘The soul has been given it’s own ears to hear things the mind does not understand’. Rumi We try to use our smarts, our logically brain to understand and grasp things, but sometimes it is the exploration to a …

Are you struggling with this?

So you have a desire for things to be different? You say this is the day, month or year… I’m going to do more of the inner work.  But the end of February rolls around and here we are, not yet taking the biggest action steps towards your inner world goals.  When you find yourself in the land of inaction …

Let me tell you a story

Let me share a story. It isn’t my story; it is a polarised, inflamed story that you might not have heard before.  The story goes like this… Echo found herself on the wrong side of Venus’s wrath, cursed and unable to speak on her own.  While wandering the woods one day, she stumbled upon the strikingly handsome Narcissus amidst a …

I Guarantee This Coach

Hi Coach,   When a person is stuck in the trauma of their past, they find it hard to imagine a future for themselves.    Couple this with the loss of identity – who the hell are you? And not having a sense of self can lead to deep dark depression and even a suicidal state of mind.   I …