3 Lessons From My Hike

Last Wednesday night, at 12 am, I crawled up the last three flights of stairs, dragging myself into my apartment.    My Lululemon pants are collecting a white, powdery substance as my knees scrape against the concrete floor.    How did it come to this point, you wonder?   I didn’t have to wonder—I had been pondering, finding meaning in …

It’s Not The End

To achieve maximum growth, it’s crucial to find meaning in the moments of your life. You’re engaging in deep, reflective thinking, and then, you experience an “aha” moment—a shift.   A shift signifies a transformation from one perspective to another. It’s not the end; it’s merely the beginning.   Each breakthrough brings you closer to the truth, your truth.   …

Embrace The Path

“True morality consists not in following the well-beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves and in fearlessly following it.” Gandhi. I’m preparing for a 100K walk in a little over a week’s time.  It’s my first 7 days off from all things business in… a long time – 2018…    What I have noticed personally in my …


Yeah, you put things off, more than you’d like. And your list piles up on top of you.  Your reaction: go make another cup of tea and watch the end of a TV Series (that you just started and have hours to go to get to the end). Let’s go make another cup of tea and watch the end of …

Have You Heard Of Peter Pan Syndrome?

Have you heard of Peter Pan Syndrome?   It’s when individuals struggle to mature emotionally and mentally in certain areas of their lives despite growing physically and chronologically.   Imagine an individual who excels in their career, perhaps growing a business or even climbing the corporate ladder.   On the surface, they appear successful, dedicated, and driven.   However, beneath …

This Concept Affects Your Life

“[Man] is always becoming a new being and undergoing a process of loss and reparation, which affects his soul as well. No man’s character, habits, opinions, desires, pleasures, pains, and fears remain the same; new ones come into existence, and old ones disappear.” Heraclitus   Oh, the wisdom in this one statement.   Human beings are never static.   Yes, …

Dare You Not To Do This

It’s hard to believe that four years have passed since I led the team at the Breakthrough Experience.   Looking back, I’m amazed at the journey we’ve all been on—investing in our own growth, building businesses, and navigating the complexities of life.   For me, this journey also involved raising a little one as a single mum, which added a …

The Hidden Trap

Human behaviour is fascinating. Let’s take the psychological phenomena that influence it. Each phenomenon offers you a little peek through a window into how people perceive, react to, and interact with the world around them. Whether it’s understanding why we sometimes stick to decisions that aren’t beneficial (like in the sunk cost fallacy) or why we might feel oddly out …

It’s not for you

You have a love to serve. But… Business is not your jam. Marketing, finance, or operations—it can feel like stepping into an entirely different and uncomfortable world unless you come into coaching with a background in sales, marketing, or something that directly supports your business. Either way, business is outside of your comfort zone. Embracing the business side can be …