DON’T do this one thing

You have heard people say “Fake it until you make it.” I cringe when I hear it.  Here’s why… Imagine this –  it is your first client session as a coach, or it is your first customer strolling through the doors to buy your product, and you have embraced this idea, fake it until you make it. It helps you …

How much wealth puts you in the top 1 per cent?

This time of year allows us the opportunity to reflect on our income. And perhaps a step further, our financial future.  I remember growing up with a friend who owned a major real estate company in Melbourne. I was 10 when I went to her home for the first time. It had so many bedrooms, I was lost inside, a …

Tell me what you’re stressed about, and I’ll tell you your illness.

Tell me what you’re stressed about, and I’ll tell you your illness. I have your ears pricked up, don’t I? This intriguing question: “Can the most stressful life events predict future illness?” has captivated researchers and medical professionals for decades.  In 1967, two researchers named Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe embarked on a groundbreaking study to explore the potential correlation …

A little glimpse into a lesson in the Power Walkshop.

In one of the lessons in The Power Walkshop, 8 people were standing on a massive hill, overlooking a vast landscape of rolling hills, seeing the ocean off in the distance.  Yet, as we stood at the top of this hill, each individual had their own perspective of the hill, the view and their life.  Your perception is the lens …