Trigger warning

Last week in our private Maximum Growth Facebook group, one of our members shared a revealing post about childhood sexual trauma.    “There is so much beautiful unwrapping to do, thank you Tanya for creating this space.”    The post and it’s attached article brought me to tears.    Not the inspiring tears, but the deep pain tears. You know …

I’m So Angry Right now

As I was driving to meet a friend, a BMW driver in front of me tossed something out the sunroof at 70km per hour onto the road.    “The road isn’t a rubbish bin” ran through my mind. My instant reaction was anger.    Fast forward to the walk around the bay, my friend shared a moment where she was …

solid plan for world domination

I know Halloween was last month, but holy crap. The future can be a scary place to visit.   With so much uncertainty over the past few years, it’s been challenging to plan, as you didn’t know what the world would look like or how the new world would impact your own little real estate on this floating blue planet. …

Do You Do This?

Taking some time to sit, open your mind, and allow thoughts to wander in might be more productive than you’d expect. People don’t realize how profitable, productive and powerful it is to sit and think. According to research, people underestimate how much they would like to spend time alone with their thoughts with nothing to distract them. Research suggests that …