Pst… here is the secret to success

Many people say that the key to success in business is to find your strengths, focus on them, and ignore everything else.

This can also mean knowing your values, and living in your values, and delegating out the rest.

But there are downsides with this mentality.

Although it sounds like a plan and may work to some extent, in my experience, it does not fit the dynamic and complex nature of owning a business.

I’d even go so far as to suggest that focusing on your weaknesses is the fastest way to reach your goals.

I was working with a client last week who is on track to selling their business for triple figure millions.

As their coach I’m not going to praise them for the things they did well, for their strengths.

I will, however, point out the things they can work on, that they are not doing well at, and even avoid altogether.

You see, my client (and I know you do too) understood something that most people don’t, and that it’s not your strengths that will make you stronger.

It’s strengthening your weakness.

I’d seen this week that each week he was avoiding certain tasks that would lead him to the sale of his business, he was doing what was comfortable, not what would generate income or raise the value of the business.

Once he noticed this week he was waaaayyy more productive. He leaned into hard tasks, and did them first.

Then he’d find the next weakest, most uncomfortable task and work on it (a do it now kind of attitude).

And it was this approach that he’ll be taking the daily steps, that over time will compound to achieve his result.

The amazing thing is about these weaknesses, you don’t have to be the one to figure out how to fix it. Instead, it’s about asking WHO can fix this for me (got to love delegating).

So what’s your weakness in business?

And how can Maximum Growth help you with your weaknesses in business?

Whispering secrets in your ear,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth
One on one & group coaching available

Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

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