A little gift to fire up your finances

It was the end of the financial year this week.

It’s an opportunity for you to do a review of your income and expenses, see where you’re at with your net worth and how you’re tracking your financial goals. #Financialfreedomplease

Ok, I know you’ll either be doing a boggie on your chair with me to celebrate your achievements this year or you’re thinking “S*#t” this year, I promise.

I’m a geek and have been tracking my finances since 2010.

It wasn’t easy, and it was very uncomfortable. I had very little income and I had some debt. I knew I had to face reality and stop avoiding a difficult conversation with myself.

Taking a deep breath.

I opened a spreadsheet and wrote what I owed. Money on my credit card, a bill to a company and to a family member.

Now, time to calculate my assets. Hmmm?! Zero. Nothing.

That part was easy.

The following year, I did the same exercise with a little lightness and spring in my step.

I’d worked on my money mindset throughout the year, I was beginning to understand how to serve and grow a business, so within 12 months I was beginning to see big changes.

Fast track to June 2022 and my tracking has become more sophisticated. I track leads, conversion rate, customer lifetime values, income, expenses and net worth.

Tracking gives a perspective on your business that is real. Sometimes you feel you’re off track, but the figures don’t lie. They tell the real story.

It’s the fastest way to look at yourself and make changes, either inwardly (like coming to Maximum Growth Business class) or outwardly, by learning about finances and financial markets.

So, it’s been a fun process for me to track my finances. I want to share some of that juicy inspiration with you too.

Here it is. Your own financial tracking spreadsheet.

You can download my financial spreadsheet and call it your own.

It’s basic. It’s unbranded. It’s yours.

Give it to me baby.

Take the time to really see where you are at financially.

I’d love to know how you go?!

And… if any uncomfortable feeling comes up around doing the work, or afterwards, come to our 6 hour Maximum Growth Transformation Day.

It’s an opportunity for you to work through the Demartini method to dissolve your emotional baggage to increase your self-worth and your ability to hold onto and keep your mula.

To more riches within,



Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)
Maximum Growth One on one & group coaching available
Helping leaders to level up using a transformational mindset work.

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