The real thing

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You’ve had success. 


You’ve won clients and earned referrals. 


But lately, it feels like things have slowed down. 


New leads aren’t coming in as easily, your inbox is nearly empty, and your phone stays silent.


You need more clients, and you need them now. 


But despite all the tools, technologies, and courses you’ve invested in, nothing seems to be bringing in leads or generating the profit you want. 


You feel stuck, out of options.


It’s getting closer and closer to the end of the year. 


You want it all.


Family. Finances. Thriving health and business. 


Yes. You can make a real impact, build a legacy, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. 


You can have it all – whatever ‘it’ is to you.


Live your life not by default but by design. 


It just takes the right positioning, the right messaging, and the right support. 


But too often, we try to figure it all out on our own.


Not realising the cost of not seeking help sooner. 


And I’m here to help you step into your spotlight.


With decades of hands-on business experience and insights from working with entrepreneurs, business owners, and high-profile leaders worldwide, my job is to empower service business owners to maximise profit, fulfil their purpose, and unlock their full potential. 


To get clarity on their mission and take bold action towards it. 


But I don’t just tell people how to do it. 


I do it. I live the work I share. 


I know my lane, I know my niche, and I have my own IP that I share with clients. 


Over the years, I have secured multiple 6-figure contracts with clients. I have helped transform over 30,000 people’s lives.  


And you…. 


You have the potential to unleash your brilliance.


Certainty is your secret sauce. 


More certainty in your service, your offer, your IP, all of it. 


But all that happens when you are in alignment with your inner and outer world. 


With certainty brings alignment. Alignment brings certainty.  


Most people want to make money. But why we do what we do goes beyond just making money. 


It’s about growing your business, stepping out of the shadows, and chasing what you truly want. And in alignment with who you are.


It’s about inspiring influence and impact. And in a way, you get paid to be you. 


If you’re ready to receive the recognition you deserve, build the business you love and make an inspiring impact, let’s connect.


Tanya “Growth Coach” Cross


Leadership Coach & The Coaches Coach

Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator

BAppSoSc (Counselling)

Maximum Growth
