What’s your two things?

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Last weekend, in a training session with over 400 participants, we were split into small groups and tasked with creating a business in just eight minutes—name, concept, and strategy for commercialisation.


I suggested an idea, and the group loved it. When it was time for the room to vote (and we couldn’t vote for our own), they cheered and whistled for it.


It wasn’t just a validation of the idea but a reminder of why I love coaching: the ability to spark insights that lead to real change.


Business isn’t just about tactics or numbers; it isn’t about chasing success for its own sake. 


It’s about creating value that resonates with the heart and needs of those you serve. 


When you see the potential in others and help them shift their perspectives, it becomes clear that they can raise their prices with confidence, package their unique expertise, and take their clients on a journey toward meaningful outcomes.


The moment in the room sharing the idea reminded me of my roots—how I learned the values that shape the way I work today.


Growing up, I’d come home from school and see my dad at the dining table, meticulously balancing his books and writing checks. 


At the time, I didn’t fully understand the depth of what he was teaching me, but he was silently showing me the discipline, focus, and perseverance required to build a meaningful business. 


On the other hand, my mum instilled in me the power of service and spirituality. I still remember her waking up at 4 a.m. every morning to pray, her dedication unwavering. 


Now in her mid-80s, she remains devoted, continuing to inspire me with the values she’s lived by her entire life.


These two pillars—business and service—are central to who I am. For me, business is more than just a profession; it’s my spiritual path. It’s where I’m energized, where I’m inspired, and where I create my biggest impact on the world.


Circling back to that room of 400 people. 


When we focus on serving others and meeting their true needs, the market naturally opens up. 


The ability to help people is always there—you just have to find the right need to connect with them. 


By aligning with what people are genuinely hungry for, we create solutions that light them up and make a lasting difference. 


This is the real power of business: it’s not just about who, we are, what we do, but how we connect with those we serve.


So, I ask you—what are your two things (or three) that drive you? What are the needs you can meet? What solutions can you offer that will create meaningful change for those around you? 


When you find those answers, you unlock not just the potential of your business but the path to truly lasting impact.


With fire and grace,


Tanya x


Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator

BAppSoSc (Counselling)

Maximum Growth
