Top 4 actions that lead to failure

“All passenger trains in Sydney scheduled for Monday have been cancelled due to a dispute between the NSW Government and drivers.” One sentence, one decision that changed a city {first_name}. Thousands of commuters have been unable to use the train service after rail passenger services were suspended in the early hours of Monday morning this week. New South Wales Transport …

Untruths slay the soul

Permission to be really polarized in this. Untruths slay the soul. The story you tell yourself, that has been running you, slays the soul. In Maximum Growth group coaching classes, I often say I like to hear your story to provide a level of context for your experience. It helps me get a little into your current perspective. So then …

This will blow your mind

Did you know when a percentage can be calculated in reverse? Example; 1% of 100 = 1% Or you can do it this way 100% of 1 = 1 Ok, so let’s try that again. 25% of 50 = 12.5% Or you can do it this way 50% of 25 = 12.5 And again. 20% of 200 = 40% Or …

Pst… here is the secret to success

Many people say that the key to success in business is to find your strengths, focus on them, and ignore everything else. This can also mean knowing your values, and living in your values, and delegating out the rest. But there are downsides with this mentality. Although it sounds like a plan and may work to some extent, in my …