What if no one showed up to my event?

My first group coaching session as a facilitator 11 years ago was a hot flaming mess. The truth is, it was so disastrous that I was probably lucky only 3 people showed up to witness the carnage (and one I dragged them to it and made them sit with a ball and chain to do their work – ah the …


Bear with me, this review is a little longer than normal as it’s our entire 70,000 years. This book is for anyone who wants to know who we are and where we have come from. Harari starts off the book beautifully by stating that 13.5 billion years ago, matter, energy, time and space came into being (AKA the big bang) …

The Field

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to understand the interconnectedness that permeates the universe, bridging spirituality and science together. McTaggart uncovers that the human mind and body are not separate but connected to a sea of light, sound and energy and that consciousness may be central in shaping our world at a quantum level. This connection is known …

Running in Empty

Ever felt like your cup is not only empty but you have given your cup away to someone else and have nothing more to give? (I see you nodding your head). That was me recently. We can all agree the past 18 months have been a little on the crazy side. For me, I’ve been raising a toddler and starting …

Don’t rely on conscious thought

We are rolling into another year, and fast. You know you don’t want things to be the same as this year and deep inside you want to level up next year. So how do you go about making change? If you want to eat better, join an exercise class. If you want to create more business, get networking. If you …

Your hairs will stand up reading this one

This week I have been on the hunt to find a theme song for my life. One that really encompasses where I am and where I am going. It’s to add to my Divine Design Powerpoint slideshow of what I’d love to create in my business and life. (It’s kind of like a moving imagery to play for my future …